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Women politicians in Austria: Still not breaking the media ceiling
Communications ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-19 , DOI: 10.1515/commun-2021-0128
Lore Hayek 1 , Manuel Mayrl 1 , Uta Russmann 2

The underrepresentation of women politicians in the media is a persistent feature in many contemporary democracies. Gender bias in election coverage makes it harder for women to reach positions of power in politics. Drawing on the special circumstances in Austria during the 2019 election campaign which saw the first female top candidate of a major party and a caretaker government containing equal numbers of men and women and which was led by the country’s first woman as chancellor, we examine the effect of these developments on women politicians’ representation in campaign coverage. We draw on quantitative content analysis of Austrian newspaper articles (N = 16,125) during four national parliamentary election campaigns (2008, 2013, 2017 and 2019). We show that for women politicians the media ceiling is slowly lifting at best, but that positions of power provide the most promising ways to evade gendered media bias.



女性政治家在媒体中的代表性不足是许多当代民主国家的一个长期特征。选举报道中的性别偏见使女性更难担任政治职务。借鉴奥地利在 2019 年竞选期间的特殊情况,该竞选活动见证了一个主要政党的第一位女性最高候选人和一个男女人数相等的看守政府,该政府由该国第一位女性总理领导,我们研究了影响这些关于女性政治家在竞选报道中的代表性的发展。我们在四次全国议会选举活动(2008 年、2013 年、2017 年和 2019 年)期间对奥地利报纸文章(N = 16,125)进行了定量内容分析。我们表明,对于女性政治家来说,媒体上限充其量只是在缓慢提升,