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Moral Worth and Moral Belief
Ethics ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-15 , DOI: 10.1086/722120
James Grant

According to some, when you do the right thing, your moral beliefs make no difference to your act’s moral worth. Huckleberry Finn believes he is doing something wrong in helping Jim escape slavery. Yet his act reflects well on him. Some conclude that acting rightly reflects just as well on you whether you believe you are doing something right, wrong, supererogatory, or neutral. I argue against this. Doing the right thing with certain moral beliefs can diminish the moral worth of doing it. In such cases, you do the right thing in the wrong spirit.



一些人认为,当你做正确的事时,你的道德信念对你行为的道德价值没有影响。Huckleberry Finn 认为他在帮助吉姆逃脱奴役方面做错了什么。然而,他的行为很好地反映了他。一些人得出结论,无论您认为自己做的事情是对的、错的、过分的还是中立的,正确的行为同样会反映在您身上。我反对这一点。以某些道德信念做正确的事会降低做这件事的道德价值。在这种情况下,你以错误的精神做正确的事。