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Agarabi pottery production in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jaa.2022.101479
Kristine Hardy , Chris Ballard , Mathieu Leclerc

The only pottery known to have been produced in the New Guinea Highlands is associated with communities speaking Agarabi, a non-Austronesian language in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea. This paper provides a comprehensive summary of Agarabi pottery forms and production processes, combining published sources with previously unpublished records, notes, sketches and photographs from ethnoarchaeological fieldwork amongst Agarabi speakers in the Kainantu District in 1987. Agarabi vessels are characterised by their ovoid elongated shape with gently pointed bases and out-curving rims. Decoration, where it is present, occurs on the rims and / or around the neck and consists of incisions or punctate impressions, often from multi-toothed combs. These characteristics clearly distinguish Agarabi ware from pottery produced in communities speaking Austronesian languages in the neighbouring Upper Markham and Middle Ramu valleys. The multi-faceted description of Agarabi pottery production presented here provides a foundation for further enquiry into the cultural processes and historical trajectories that have shaped this unique Highlands ceramic ware.


巴布亚新几内亚东部高地的 Agarabi 陶器生产

已知在新几内亚高地生产的唯一陶器与巴布亚新几内亚东部高地讲阿加拉比语的社区有关,阿加拉比语是一种非南岛语系语言。本文全面总结了 Agarabi 陶器的形式和生产过程,将已发表的资料与之前未发表的记录、笔记、草图和照片相结合,这些记录、笔记、草图和照片来自于 1987 年在 Kainantu 区使用 Agarabi 的人进行的民族考古实地考察。Agarabi 器皿的特点是它们的卵圆形细长形状略尖的底座和外弯的边缘。存在的装饰发生在边缘和/或颈部周围,由切口或点状印记组成,通常来自多齿梳。这些特征清楚地将 Agarabi 陶器与邻近上马克姆和中拉穆山谷中讲南岛语的社区生产的陶器区分开来。这里展示的 Agarabi 陶器生产的多方面描述为进一步探究塑造这种独特的高地陶器的文化过程和历史轨迹提供了基础。
