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Paving the way for a softer regulation of CRISPR in Norway: public engagement as window dressing
Journal of Responsible Innovation ( IF 3.370 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-30 , DOI: 10.1080/23299460.2022.2146863
Marit Svingen 1


Gene editing technologies like CRISPR have raised questions about the need for new regulations throughout Europe. In Norway, the Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board initiated a comprehensive process to formulate a proposal for a relaxation of the regulation of GMOs in 2016. This article investigates the Board's initiative as part of the prevailing RRI policy discourse and follows how the process unfolded as a public engagement exercise. A document analysis of the Board's statements and the public's written comments revealed that the Board managed to construct a nuanced public debate around GMOs; however, the Board did not acknowledge that the different interpretations of key terms in the proposal led to very different conclusions as to how CRISPR should be regulated. Therefore, the inclusion of the public appears more as a means to build support for the proposal than as a learning exercise as understood by the RRI-framework.


为挪威对 CRISPR 进行更温和的监管铺平道路:公众参与作为门面


CRISPR 等基因编辑技术引发了人们对整个欧洲是否需要制定新法规的质疑。在挪威,挪威生物技术咨询委员会于 2016 年启动了一项全面的流程,以制定放宽转基因生物监管的提案。本文将委员会的举措作为现行 RRI 政策讨论的一部分进行调查,并跟踪该流程如何作为公众展开。参与练习。对委员会声明和公众书面评论的文件分析显示,委员会成功围绕转基因生物展开了细致入微的公开辩论;然而,委员会并未承认提案中关键术语的不同解释导致了关于如何监管​​ CRISPR 的截然不同的结论。所以,
