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Longitudinal neural and behavioral trajectories of charity contributions across adolescence
Journal of Research on Adolescence ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-28 , DOI: 10.1111/jora.12820
Jochem Spaans 1, 2 , Sabine Peters 1, 2 , Andrik Becht 1, 3 , Renske van der Cruijsen 1, 2 , Suzanne van de Groep 1, 2 , Eveline A Crone 1, 2

This study examined the development of prosocial charity donations and neural activity in the ventral striatum when gaining rewards for self and for charity. Participants 10–22 years (95% European heritage) participated in three annual behavioral-fMRI waves (T1: n = 160, T2: n = 167, T3: n = 175). Behaviorally, donations to charity as measured with an economic Dictator Game increased with age. Perspective taking also increased with age. In contrast, self-gain and charity-gain enjoyment decreased with age. Ventral striatum activity was higher for rewards for self than for charity, but this difference decreased during adolescence. Latent growth curve models revealed that higher donations were associated with a smaller difference between ventral striatum activation for self and charity. These findings show longitudinal brain–donations associations in adolescence.



这项研究检查了亲社会慈善捐赠的发展以及在为自我和慈善事业获得奖励时腹侧纹状体的神经活动。10-22 岁的参与者(95% 欧洲血统)参加了三个年度行为功能磁共振成像波(T1:n  = 160,T2:n  = 167,T3:n = 175)。在行为上,通过经济独裁者游戏衡量的慈善捐款随着年龄的增长而增加。随着年龄的增长,换位思考的能力也随之增强。相比之下,自我收益和施舍收益的享受随着年龄的增长而减少。自我奖励的腹侧纹状体活动高于施舍,但这种差异在青春期有所减少。潜在增长曲线模型显示,较高的捐赠与自我和慈善的腹侧纹状体激活之间的较小差异相关。这些发现显示了青春期大脑捐赠的纵向关联。