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Highlighting Recent Research from Latin America in Chemistry of Materials
Chemistry of Materials ( IF 8.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-28 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.2c03349
Carlos Toro , Sara E. Skrabalak

Since its inception in 2020, LatinXChem has been raising the profile of research from Latin American chemists located anywhere in the world through a yearly virtual poster session. The event is accompanied by workshops and webinars on a range of topics, being a particularly exciting online event connecting people globally in an era when travel has been restricted. In 2021, Germán E. Gomez and Galo J. A. A. Soler-Illia compiled a virtual collection (1) showcasing exciting research on multifunctional nanoporous materials in Latin America, hosted by Chemistry of Materials in celebration of that year’s conference. Now, we look more broadly at the recent research within Chemistry of Materials made possible by scientists in Latin America. Porous materials continue to be an area of priority, with metal organic framework (MOF) materials being both studied and highlighted in a recent Up & Coming Perspective within the journal, the latter contribuion from Ibarra and co-workers. (2−6) Both the porosity of these materials and the chemical nature of the metal ions and organic linker molecules bring functionality. For example, Bof Bufon, Paes Leme, and co-workers built an electrochemical biosensor for detection of protein–protein interactions based on the zeolitic imidazole framework ZIF-8 serving as the transducer, (3) and while not focused on MOFs, Crespilho and co-workers provided an excellent Perspective on electrochemical biosensing recently. (4) MOFs were also designed for ammonia capture (5) and water remediation of heavy metal ions, (6) while synergy between the porosity and soft properties of MOFs was also shown to provide selectivity for adsorbates of different polarities. (7) Beyond MOFs, porous carbon materials have a rich history for their adsorbent properties, and their design was greatly accelerated by the application of machine learning and natural language processing to over 10 000 scientific articles, gaining understanding of how synthesis parameters influence their properties. (8) The interest in carbon materials originates, in part, as a product from biofuel combustion, reflecting a priority in recycling, reuse, and sustainability. Thus, it is not surprising that other recent manuscripts highlight materials with potential energy and light-emitting/phosphor applications. Organic, (9) hybrid, (10−12) and inorganic (13) materials have been the focus of these studies, with a recent review on dual-state emission in organic fluorophores. (14) Studies of 2D halide perovskites were undertaken by a number of different groups, making advances in their design broadly. For example, Solis-Ibarra and co-workers showed that the broadband emission of these materials could be enhanced through a combination of halide bonds and halide mixing (12) while the application of pressure can induce phase transitions and, in turn, modulate optical properties as shown by a multicountry collaboration lead by Katrusiak. (11) Finally, while the manuscripts highlighted thus far emphasize a range of applications, many other papers reflect a deep appreciation for fundamental studies that correlate atomic and nanoscale structure to properties. These manuscripts are highly collaborative, bringing together material synthesis, analytical characterization, and computational tools to answer questions across a diversity of material classes. (15−18) The collaborative nature of much of the research and desire to share broadly also shines in a recent journal editorial from Jane Goodwin Coury and Osvaldo Oliveira on strategies for multilingual researchers to acquire scientific writing skills in English. (19) As they noted, “writing engaging papers ... has become an integral part of a resesarcher’s activities”, and we hope that you enjoy reading this collection of recent manuscripts highlighting scientists in Latin America. This article references 19 other publications. This article has not yet been cited by other publications. This article references 19 other publications.



自 2020 年成立以来,LatinXChem 一直通过每年一次的虚拟海报会议提高世界各地拉丁美洲化学家的研究知名度。该活动伴随着一系列主题的研讨会和网络研讨会,在旅行受到限制的时代,这是一个特别令人兴奋的在线活动,将全球人们联系起来。2021 年,Germán E. Gomez 和 Galo JAA Soler-Illia 编制了一个虚拟集锦 (1),展示了拉丁美洲对多功能纳米多孔材料的激动人心的研究,该集锦由 Chemistry of Materials 主办,以庆祝当年的会议。现在,我们更广泛地了解材料化学领域的最新研究拉丁美洲的科学家使之成为可能。多孔材料仍然是一个优先领域,金属有机骨架 (MOF) 材料在最近的Up & Coming中得到研究和强调从期刊内部来看,后者是 Ibarra 及其同事的贡献。(2−6) 这些材料的孔隙率以及金属离子和有机连接分子的化学性质都带来了功能。例如,Bof Bufon、Paes Leme 及其同事构建了一种电化学生物传感器,用于检测蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用,该传感器基于用作传感器的沸石咪唑骨架 ZIF-8,(3) 虽然没有专注于 MOF,但 Crespilho 和最近,同事们对电化学生物传感提出了极好的观点。(4) MOFs 也被设计用于氨捕获 (5) 和重金属离子的水修复,(6) 同时 MOFs 的孔隙率和软性质之间的协同作用也被证明可以为不同极性的吸附物提供选择性。(7) 超越 MOF,多孔碳材料的吸附性能历史悠久,通过将机器学习和自然语言处理应用于 10,000 多篇科学文章,大大加快了它们的设计速度,从而了解了合成参数如何影响其性能。(8) 对碳材料的兴趣部分源于生物燃料燃烧的产物,反映了回收、再利用和可持续性的优先考虑。因此,其他最近的手稿强调具有势能和发光/荧光粉应用的材料也就不足为奇了。有机、(9) 杂化、(10−12) 和无机 (13) 材料一直是这些研究的重点,最近对有机荧光团中的双态发射进行了综述。(14) 二维卤化物钙钛矿的研究由许多不同的小组进行,广泛地在他们的设计中取得进步。例如,Solis-Ibarra 及其同事表明,这些材料的宽带发射可以通过结合卤化物键和卤化物混合 (12) 而增强,同时施加压力可以引起相变,进而调节光学特性如 Katrusiak 领导的多国合作所示。(11) 最后,虽然迄今为止突出显示的手稿强调了一系列应用,但许多其他论文反映了对将原子和纳米级结构与特性相关联的基础研究的深刻赞赏。这些手稿是高度协作的,将材料合成、分析表征和计算工具结合在一起,以回答各种材料类别的问题。(15−18) 许多研究的协作性质和广泛分享的愿望也在 Jane Goodwin Coury 和 Osvaldo Oliveira 最近一篇关于多语言研究人员获得英语科学写作技能的策略的期刊社论中得到了体现。(19) 正如他们指出的那样,“撰写引人入胜的论文……已经成为研究人员活动不可或缺的一部分”,我们希望您喜欢阅读这本突出拉丁美洲科学家的近期手稿集。本文引用了 19 篇其他出版物。这篇文章尚未被其他出版物引用。本文引用了 19 篇其他出版物。(19) 正如他们指出的那样,“撰写引人入胜的论文……已经成为研究人员活动不可或缺的一部分”,我们希望您喜欢阅读这本突出拉丁美洲科学家的近期手稿集。本文引用了 19 篇其他出版物。这篇文章尚未被其他出版物引用。本文引用了 19 篇其他出版物。(19) 正如他们指出的那样,“撰写引人入胜的论文……已经成为研究人员活动不可或缺的一部分”,我们希望您喜欢阅读这本突出拉丁美洲科学家的近期手稿集。本文引用了 19 篇其他出版物。这篇文章尚未被其他出版物引用。本文引用了 19 篇其他出版物。