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Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Woodfuel used in Households
Earth System Science Data ( IF 11.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-28 , DOI: 10.5194/essd-2022-390
Alessandro Flammini , Hanif Adzmir , Kevin Karl , Francesco Tubiello

Abstract. The combustion of woodfuel for residential use is often not considered to be a source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in households since emissions from woodfuel combustion can be offset by the CO2 absorbed by the growth of the forest as a carbon sink (IPCC, 2006). However, this only applies to wood that is harvested in a renewable way, i.e., at a rate not exceeding the regrowth rate of the forest from which it is harvested (Drigo et al., 2002). This paper estimates the share of GHG emissions attributable to non-renewable woodfuel harvesting for use in residential food activities. It adds to a growing research base estimating GHG emissions from across the entire agri-food value chain, from the manufacture of farm inputs, through food supply chains, and finally to waste disposal (Tubiello et al., 2021). Country-level information is generated from United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and International Energy Agency (IEA) data on woodfuel use in households. We find that, in 2019, annual emissions from non-renewable woodfuel use in household food consumption were about 745 million tonnes (Mt CO2eq yr−1), with uncertainty ranging from −20 % to + 22 %, having increased 6 % from 1990. Overall, global trends were a result of counterbalancing effects: the emission increases were largely fuelled from countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, Southern Asia, and Latin America while significant decreases were seen in countries in Eastern Asia and South-eastern Asia. The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) has developed and regularly maintains a database covering GHG emissions from the various components of the agri-food sector, including pre- and post-production activities, by country and world regions. The dataset is developed according to International Panel on Climate Change guidelines (IPCC, 2006), which avoids overlaps across AFOLU and energy components. It relies mainly on UNSD Energy Statistics data, which are used as activity data for the calculation of the GHG emissions (Tubiello et al., 2022). The information used in this work is available as open data with DOI https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7310932 (Flammini et al., 2022).



摘要。住宅用木质燃料的燃烧通常不被视为家庭温室气体 (GHG) 排放源,因为木质燃料燃烧的排放可以被作为碳汇的森林生长所吸收的 CO2 所抵消(IPCC,2006 年) ). 然而,这仅适用于以可再生方式采伐的木材,即采伐速度不超过其采伐地森林的再生长率(Drigo 等人,2002 年)。本文估算了用于住宅食品活动的不可再生木材燃料采伐造成的温室气体排放量份额。它增加了一个不断增长的研究基础,估计整个农业食品价值链的温室气体排放量,从农业投入品的制造,到食品供应链,最后到废物处理(Tubiello 等人,2021)。国家层面的信息来自联合国统计司 (UNSD) 和国际能源署 (IEA) 关于家庭木质燃料使用的数据。我们发现,2019 年家庭食品消费中使用不可再生木质燃料产生的年排放量约为 7.45 亿吨(Mt CO2eq yr−1),不确定性范围从 −20% 到 +22%,比 1990 年增加了 6%。总体而言,全球趋势是平衡效应的结果:排放量增加主要来自撒哈拉以南非洲、南亚和拉丁美洲,而东亚和东南亚国家则出现显着下降。联合国粮食及农业组织 (FAO) 开发并定期维护一个数据库,其中包含按国家和世界区域划分的农业食品部门各个组成部分的温室气体排放量,包括生产前和生产后活动。该数据集是根据国际气候变化专门委员会指南(IPCC,2006 年)开发的,避免了 AFOLU 和能源组成部分之间的重叠。它主要依赖于 UNSD 能源统计数据,用作计算温室气​​体排放量的活动数据(Tubiello 等人,2022 年)。本工作中使用的信息可通过 DOI https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7310932 作为开放数据获得(Flammini 等人,2022 年)。