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Responding to domestic violence within the workplace: reflections and recommendations from the DVFREE workplace initiative in Aotearoa New Zealand
Labour & Industry: a journal of the social and economic relations of work Pub Date : 2022-11-24 , DOI: 10.1080/10301763.2022.2148849
Holly Carrington 1 , Rachel Williamson 1


While the world of work has long been juxtaposed against private, domestic spaces, in recent years the line between the two spheres has become increasingly blurred. This is especially the case when considering the relationship between domestic violence and the workplace, which is not only affected by the intrusion of domestic violence into the workplace but compounded by the increasing amount of work conducted from home. These intersections between domestic violence and work have been subject to mounting scrutiny in recent years, resulting in calls for policy changes that acknowledge domestic violence to be a workplace issue and which develop an appropriate employer response accordingly. This article offers a case study of DVFREE, a domestic violence workplace program delivered by specialist domestic violence organisation Shine in Aotearoa New Zealand. DVFREE adopts a systems-approach to instantiate and support structural change within an organisation. We consider the New Zealand specific-context, before offering a series of practice recommendations that address why and how employers can support employees experiencing domestic violence, drawing our conclusions from knowledge gained through the implementation of the DVFREE initiative. This knowledge offers an important, hitherto largely absent, perspective to research in this field, providing much-needed practical steps for employers.


应对工作场所的家庭暴力:来自新西兰 Aotearoa 的 DVFREE 工作场所倡议的反思和建议


虽然工作世界长期以来一直与私人家庭空间并置,但近年来这两个领域之间的界限变得越来越模糊。在考虑家庭暴力与工作场所之间的关系时尤其如此,这不仅受到家庭暴力侵入工作场所的影响,而且由于越来越多的家庭工作而变得更加复杂。近年来,家庭暴力与工作之间的这些交叉点受到越来越多的关注,导致人们呼吁改变政策,承认家庭暴力是一个工作场所问题,并相应地制定适当的雇主应对措施。本文提供了 DVFREE 的案例研究,由家庭暴力专家组织 Shine 在新西兰 Aotearoa 提供的家庭暴力工作场所计划。DVFREE 采用系统方法来实例化和支持组织内的结构变化。我们考虑了新西兰的具体情况,然后提供了一系列实践建议来解决雇主为何以及如何支持遭受家庭暴力的雇员,并根据通过实施 DVFREE 倡议获得的知识得出我们的结论。这些知识为该领域的研究提供了一个重要的、迄今为止基本上不存在的视角,为雇主提供了急需的实际步骤。在提供一系列实践建议以解决雇主为何以及如何支持遭受家庭暴力的雇员之前,我们根据通过实施 DVFREE 倡议获得的知识得出结论。这些知识为该领域的研究提供了一个重要的、迄今为止基本上不存在的视角,为雇主提供了急需的实际步骤。在提供一系列实践建议以解决雇主为何以及如何支持遭受家庭暴力的雇员之前,我们根据通过实施 DVFREE 倡议获得的知识得出结论。这些知识为该领域的研究提供了一个重要的、迄今为止基本上不存在的视角,为雇主提供了急需的实际步骤。
