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Reimagining flood plain development with geography at heart
Australian Geographer ( IF 2.672 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-23 , DOI: 10.1080/00049182.2022.2146414
Barbara A. Rugendyke 1 , Jerome K. Vanclay 2


Claims that the catastrophic flooding events of 2022 which devastated the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales were unprecedented are demonstrated here to be ill-informed. Additionally, flood mitigation efforts will not be able to protect Lismore and surrounding communities from the ravages of future floods. It is essential that geographical realities be at the heart of planning decisions to protect flood prone communities in future. The inescapable fact is that catastrophic floods will recur in the region. The lesson for this region, and for others throughout Australia which are subject to severe flooding, is that planned withdrawal of critical services, commercial premises and vulnerable housing from the flood plain is the only sure way to protect people, their homes and livelihoods from repeated devastation. Geography matters indeed.




声称 2022 年摧毁新南威尔士州北部河流地区的灾难性洪水事件是史无前例的,在此证明是消息不灵通。此外,防洪工作将无法保护利斯莫尔和周边社区免受未来洪水的破坏。至关重要的是,地理现实是规划决策的核心,以保护未来容易发生洪水的社区。无法回避的事实是,该地区将再次发生特大洪水。该地区以及澳大利亚其他遭受严重洪灾的地区的教训是,计划从洪泛区撤出关键服务、商业场所和脆弱住房是保护人们、他们的家园和生计免受反复袭击的唯一可靠方法。破坏。地理确实很重要。
