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Optimizing Shadow Tomography with Generalized Measurements
Physical Review Letters ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-23 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.129.220502
H Chau Nguyen 1 , Jan Lennart Bönsel 1 , Jonathan Steinberg 1 , Otfried Gühne 1

Advances in quantum technology require scalable techniques to efficiently extract information from a quantum system. Traditional tomography is limited to a handful of qubits, and shadow tomography has been suggested as a scalable replacement for larger systems. Shadow tomography is conventionally analyzed based on outcomes of ideal projective measurements on the system upon application of randomized unitaries. Here, we suggest that shadow tomography can be much more straightforwardly formulated for generalized measurements, or positive operator valued measures. Based on the idea of the least-square estimator shadow tomography with generalized measurements is both more general and simpler than the traditional formulation with randomization of unitaries. In particular, this formulation allows us to analyze theoretical aspects of shadow tomography in detail. For example, we provide a detailed study of the implication of symmetries in shadow tomography. Moreover, with this generalization we also demonstrate how the optimization of measurements for shadow tomography tailored toward a particular set of observables can be carried out.


