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Human monkeypox virus infection in women and non-binary individuals during the 2022 outbreaks: a global case series
The Lancet ( IF 98.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-17 , DOI: 10.1016/s0140-6736(22)02187-0
John P Thornhill 1 , Romain Palich 2 , Jade Ghosn 3 , Sharon Walmsley 4 , Davide Moschese 5 , Claudia P Cortes 6 , Rafael Mello Galliez 7 , Amy B Garlin 8 , Silvia Nozza 9 , Oriol Mitja 10 , Asa E Radix 11 , Jose Luis Blanco 12 , Brenda Crabtree-Ramirez 13 , Melanie Thompson 14 , Lothar Wiese 15 , Hubert Schulbin 16 , Ariela Levcovich 17 , Marco Falcone 18 , Anna Lucchini 19 , Elena Sendagorta 20 , Carl-Johan Treutiger 21 , Ruth Byrne 22 , Katherine Coyne 23 , Eric A Meyerowitz 24 , Anna M Grahn 25 , Ann-Brit Eg Hansen 26 , Valerie Pourcher 2 , Michelle DellaPiazza 27 , Rachel Lee 28 , Marcel Stoeckle 29 , Aniruddha Hazra 30 , Vanessa Apea 31 , Emma Rubenstein 32 , Joyce Jones 33 , Aimee Wilkin 34 , Anuradha Ganesan 35 , Andrés F Henao-Martínez 36 , Eric J Chow 37 , Boghuma K Titanji 38 , Jason E Zucker 39 , Dimie Ogoina 40 , Chloe M Orkin 1 ,


Between May and November, 2022, global outbreaks of human monkeypox virus infection have been reported in more than 78 000 people worldwide, predominantly in men who have sex with men. We describe the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of monkeypox virus infection in cisgender (cis) and transgender (trans) women and non-binary individuals assigned female sex at birth to improve identification and understanding of risk factors.


International collaborators in geographical locations with high numbers of diagnoses of monkeypox virus infection were approached and invited to contribute data on women and non-binary individuals with confirmed monkeypox virus infection. Contributing centres completed deidentified structured case-report spreadsheets, adapted and developed by participating clinicians, to include variables of interest relevant to women and non-binary individuals assigned female at birth. We describe the epidemiology and clinical course observed in the reported infections.


Collaborators reported data for a total of 136 individuals with monkeypox virus infection who presented between May 11 and Oct 4, 2022, across 15 countries. Overall median age was 34 years (IQR 28–40; range 19–84). The cohort comprised 62 trans women, 69 cis women, and five non-binary individuals (who were, because of small numbers, grouped with cis women to form a category of people assigned female at birth for the purpose of comparison). 121 (89%) of 136 individuals reported sex with men. 37 (27%) of all individuals were living with HIV, with a higher proportion among trans women (31 [50%] of 62) than among cis women and non-binary individuals (six [8%] of 74). Sexual transmission was suspected in 55 (89%) trans women (with the remainder having an unknown route of transmission) and 45 (61%) cis women and non-binary individuals; non-sexual routes of transmission (including household and occupational exposures) were reported only in cis women and non-binary individuals. 25 (34%) of 74 cis women and non-binary individuals submitted to the case series were initially misdiagnosed. Overall, among individuals with available data, rash was described in 124 (93%) of 134 individuals and described as anogenital in 95 (74%) of 129 and as vesiculopustular in 105 (87%) of 121. Median number of lesions was ten (IQR 5-24; range 1–200). Mucosal lesions involving the vagina, anus, or oropharynx or eye occurred in 65 (55%) of 119 individuals with available data. Vaginal and anal sex were associated with lesions at those sites. Monkeypox virus DNA was detected by PCR from vaginal swab samples in all 14 samples tested. 17 (13%) individuals were hospitalised, predominantly for bacterial superinfection of lesions and pain management. 33 (24%) individuals were treated with tecovirimat and six (4%) received post-exposure vaccinations. No deaths were reported.


The clinical features of monkeypox in women and non-binary individuals were similar to those described in men, including the presence of anal and genital lesions with prominent mucosal involvement. Anatomically, anogenital lesions were reflective of sexual practices: vulvovaginal lesions predominated in cis women and non-binary individuals and anorectal features predominated in trans women. The prevalence of HIV co-infection in the cohort was high.




2022 年爆发期间女性和非二元个体中的人猴痘病毒感染:全球病例系列


2022 年 5 月至 11 月期间,全球报告了人类猴痘病毒感染暴发,全球有超过 78 000 人感染,其中主要是男男性行为者。我们描述了顺性别(cis)和跨性别(trans)女性以及出生时被指定为女性的非二元个体中猴痘病毒感染的流行病学和临床特征,以提高对危险因素的识别和理解。




合作者报告了 2022 年 5 月 11 日至 10 月 4 日期间来自 15 个国家的总共 136 名猴痘病毒感染者的数据。总体中位年龄为 34 岁(IQR 28-40;范围 19-84)。该队列由 62 名跨性别女性、69 名顺式女性和 5 名非二元性别个体组成(由于人数较少,她们与顺式女性一起组成一类出生时被指定为女性的人群,以便进行比较)。 136 人中有 121 人(89%)报告与男性发生性行为。所有个体中有 37 人(27%)感染艾滋病毒,其中跨性别女性(62 人中的 31 人[50%])的比例高于顺式女性和非二元性别个体(74 人中的 6 人[8%])。 55 名(89%)跨性别女性(其余的传播途径未知)和 45 名(61%)顺式女性和非二元个体中怀疑有性传播;仅在独联体妇女和非二元性别个体中报告了非性传播途径(包括家庭和职业接触)。在提交给病例系列的 74 名顺性别女性和非二元性别个体中,有 25 名 (34%) 最初被误诊。总体而言,在有可用数据的个体中,134 名个体中有 124 名 (93%) 出现皮疹,129 名个体中有 95 名 (74%) 出现肛门生殖器性皮疹,121 名个体中有 105 名 (87%) 出现水疱脓疱性皮疹。皮损数量中位数为 10 个(IQR 5-24;范围 1-200)。在 119 名有可用数据的个体中,有 65 名 (55%) 发生了涉及阴道、肛门、口咽或眼睛的粘膜病变。阴道性交和肛交与这些部位的病变有关。通过 PCR 从所有 14 个测试样本的阴道拭子样本中检测到猴痘病毒 DNA。 17 人 (13%) 住院治疗,主要是因为病变的细菌重复感染和疼痛治疗。 33 人 (24%) 接受了替科维马治疗,6 人 (4%) 接受了暴露后疫苗接种。没有死亡报告。




