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Impact of Migration and Acculturation on Turkish Men Who Have Sex with Men in Germany: Results from the 2010 European MSM Internet Survey
Archives of Sexual Behavior ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s10508-022-02468-4
Axel J Schmidt 1 , Michael W Ross 2 , Rigmor C Berg 3 , Peyman Altan 4

To examine the impact of migration and acculturation of Turkish men who have sex with men (MSM) to Germany, using data from the European MSM Internet Survey (EMIS-2010), on measures of acculturation including circumcision status, internalized homonegativity (IH), HIV/STI knowledge, sexual orientation, outness, HIV-testing, and sexual behaviors. We compared four groups of MSM: MSM born and residing in Germany who had completed the questionnaire in German (n = 38,915), MSM born and residing in Germany, with a father or mother born in Turkey (n = 97), MSM residing in Germany who were born in Turkey or whose parents were born in Turkey (n = 262), and MSM who were born and residing in Turkey and who completed the questionnaire in Turkish (n = 1,717). Data showed that there were significant dose–response curves between level of migration and several outcome variables. As exposure to Germany increased, MSM had lower IH, higher HIV/STI knowledge, increased outness, and were less likely to be circumcised. There were similar significant findings with regard to sexual HIV risk behavior (condomless anal intercourse with partners of unknown (or sero-discordant) HIV status). Data were consistent with acculturation over generations in immigrant groups in MSM migrating from Turkey to Germany. Integration includes both cultural aspects (circumcision) and integration into a more homopositive gay environment (IH, outness, increased HIV/STI knowledge), and sexual HIV risk behavior. Migration and associated acculturation may constitute a risk change for HIV/STI and mental health issues associated with IH and outness.


移民和文化适应对在德国与男性发生性关系的土耳其男性的影响:2010 年欧洲 MSM 互联网调查结果

使用来自欧洲 MSM 互联网调查 (EMIS-2010) 的数据,研究土耳其男男性行为者 (MSM) 迁移和文化适应对德国的影响,包括包皮环切状态、内化同性负性 (IH) 等文化适应措施, HIV/STI 知识、性取向、性取向、HIV 检测和性行为。我们比较了四组 MSM:出生并居住在德国且已用德语完成问卷调查的 MSM(n  = 38,915),出生并居住在德国且父亲或母亲出生在土耳其的 MSM(n  = 97),居住在德国的 MSM出生在土耳其或其父母出生在土耳其的德国人 ( n  = 262),以及出生和居住在土耳其并用土耳其语完成问卷调查的 MSM ( n = 1,717)。数据显示迁移水平和几个结果变量之间存在显着的剂量反应曲线。随着对德国的接触增加,MSM 的 IH 较低,对 HIV/STI 的了解较高,外出度增加,并且受割礼的可能性较小。在性 HIV 风险行为(与 HIV 状态未知(或血清不一致)的伴侣进行无套肛交)方面也有类似的重要发现。数据与 MSM 中从土耳其迁移到德国的移民群体中几代人的文化适应情况一致。融合包括文化方面(包皮环切术)和融入更积极的同性恋环境(IH、outness、增加的 HIV/STI 知识)和性 HIV 风险行为。
