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Inequality by design: The politics behind forced migrants' access to healthcare.
Medical Law Review ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-08 , DOI: 10.1093/medlaw/fwac043
Mechthild Roos 1

When a system comes under strain, the persons most likely to suffer from the repercussions are those at and beyond its margins, as the age-old rule 'Help yourself before helping others' typically guides crisis management within the system. Similar behavioural patterns on the side of policy-makers have left a distinct mark on the healthcare rights of forced migrants in the context and aftermath of the so-called 'migration crisis' of 2015-2016, as this article demonstrates. Following the crisis, this group of persons, who are traditionally situated at the margins of society already, have been pushed further outside social and healthcare systems through increasingly restrictive incorporation policies across Europe. By analysing recent legislative reforms in four countries (Germany, Italy, Sweden, and the UK) which stood out in various ways during the crisis, this article sheds light on the increasing politicisation and polarisation of the intersection of incorporation and healthcare. It shows that the crisis induced similar responses of legal adaptation in countries with fundamentally different healthcare and incorporation systems, and analyses the dynamics behind such processes of change. The article thereby contributes to a better understanding of healthcare legislation as a reflection of political opposition to or acceptance (if not fuelling) of societal inequalities.



当一个系统面临压力时,最有可能受到影响的人是处于其边缘和边缘之外的人,因为古老的规则“帮助他人之前先帮助自己”通常指导系统内的危机管理。正如这篇文章所展示的,在 2015-2016 年所谓的“移民危机”的背景和后果中,政策制定者的类似行为模式在被迫移民的医疗保健权利上留下了明显的印记。危机过后,这群传统上已经处于社会边缘的人,通过欧洲越来越严格的合并政策,被进一步推到社会和医疗保健系统之外。通过分析四个国家(德国、意大利、瑞典、和英国)在危机期间以各种方式脱颖而出,本文阐明了公司与医疗保健交叉点日益政治化和两极分化。它表明,危机在具有根本不同的医疗保健和公司制度的国家中引发了类似的法律适应反应,并分析了这种变化过程背后的动力。因此,这篇文章有助于更好地理解医疗保健立法是对社会不平等的政治反对或接受(如果不是助长)的反映。它表明,危机在具有根本不同的医疗保健和公司制度的国家中引发了类似的法律适应反应,并分析了这种变化过程背后的动力。因此,这篇文章有助于更好地理解医疗保健立法是对社会不平等的政治反对或接受(如果不是助长)的反映。它表明,危机在具有根本不同的医疗保健和公司制度的国家中引发了类似的法律适应反应,并分析了这种变化过程背后的动力。因此,这篇文章有助于更好地理解医疗保健立法是对社会不平等的政治反对或接受(如果不是助长)的反映。