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Men's Behaviour Change Program: Participants' and Facilitators' Perceptions
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy ( IF 1.380 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-16 , DOI: 10.1002/anzf.1516
Amanda O'Connor 1 , Anastasia Panayiotidis 2 , Andrew Bickerdike 2 , Sandra Opoku 2 , Helen Skouteris 1

Men's behaviour change programs (MBCPs) are group programs for men using family violence. This preliminary evaluation examines participants' and facilitators' perceptions of a redeveloped MBCP. Participants reported significant improvements in their ability to manage stress, understand the impact of their use of violence, and apply skills to repair the impact of their use of violence. Facilitators reported that peer support was an important component contributing to changes in the participants' knowledge, awareness, attitudes, and behaviours. Preliminary findings indicate that the program could potentially influence men's perceptions of family violence and consequently promote the safety and wellbeing of women and children.



男性行为改变计划 (MBCP) 是针对遭受家庭暴力的男性的团体计划。该初步评估检查了参与者和协助者对重新开发的 MBCP 的看法。参与者报告说,他们在管理压力、了解使用暴力的影响以及运用技能修复使用暴力的影响方面的能力有了显着提高。主持人报告说,同伴支持是促进参与者知识、意识、态度和行为发生变化的重要组成部分。初步调查结果表明,该计划可能会影响男性对家庭暴力的看法,从而促进妇女和儿童的安全和福祉。