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The Relationship between Eating Disorders and the Narrative Self: An Intimate Partner Violence Comparison
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy ( IF 1.380 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-15 , DOI: 10.1002/anzf.1513
Kaitlyn Milstead 1 , Megan Story 1, 2 , Jaclyn Cravens Pickens 1 , Ebony Morrow 3

Eating disorders (EDs) are associated with significant psychiatric and medical morbidity and carry unique challenges for treatment providers. An ED can become powerful to the point that it controls every aspect of the individual, and these patterns of control can be seen as similar to interactions observed within an intimate partner violence (IPV) relationship. This paper examines the literature on EDs and IPV and attempts to answer two research questions: (1) Does the ED–narrative self relationship share similarities to the victim–perpetrator relationship in IPV relationships? (2) Do individuals living with an ED report themes related to IPV in their discussion of the recovery process? Utilising a phenomenological analysis, online data from individuals living with an ED are analysed. The researchers find three themes and 10 subthemes that reveal similarities between EDs and the narrative self and the perpetrator and victim in IPV relationships. Clinical implications and future research recommendations are discussed.



饮食失调 (ED) 与严重的精神和医学发病率相关,并给治疗提供者带来独特的挑战。ED 可以变得强大到可以控制个人的各个方面,并且这些控制模式可以被视为类似于在亲密伴侣暴力 (IPV) 关系中观察到的互动。本文审视了关于 ED 和 IPV 的文献,并试图回答两个研究问题:(1) ED-叙事自我关系是否与 IPV 关系中的受害者-施暴者关系有相似之处?(2) 患有 ED 的人在讨论恢复过程时是否报告了与 IPV 相关的主题?利用现象学分析,分析了患有 ED 的个人的在线数据。研究人员发现了三个主题和 10 个子主题,它们揭示了 ED 与叙述自我以及 IPV 关系中的肇事者和受害者之间的相似之处。讨论了临床意义和未来的研究建议。