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Towards industrial robots as a service (IRaaS): Flexibility, usability, safety and business models
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing ( IF 9.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.rcim.2022.102484
Achim Buerkle , William Eaton , Ali Al-Yacoub , Melanie Zimmer , Peter Kinnell , Michael Henshaw , Matthew Coombes , Wen-Hua Chen , Niels Lohse

Industrial robots form an integral part of today's manufacturing industry, due to their high versatility, precision, and fatigue proof nature. Yet, many small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) still predominantly rely on manual labor. The main barriers that prevent SMEs from utilizing robots to a larger degree are described to be the large initial investment, uncertainty about costs (total cost of ownership), and lack of expertise. An opportunity to eliminate these barriers can be found in servitisation. While paradigms such as software as a service (SaaS) or Robot as a Service (RaaS) already exist, these focus mostly on software (functionality) via cloud computing. In this paper, a new paradigm based on software and hardware is proposed as Industrial Robots as a Service (IRaaS), which is composed of four elements: Flexibility (Plug and Produce, mobility), Usability (Easy Programming, Intuitive Interaction), Safety (Standards, Strategies), and Business Models (Time-based, Usage-based). To provide an overview of the current state-of-the-art a scoping survey is performed on each of the four key elements from an IRaaS perspective.


迈向工业机器人即服务 (IRaaS):灵活性、可用性、安全性和商业模式

工业机器人由于其高度的通用性、精度和抗疲劳性而成为当今制造业不可或缺的一部分。然而,许多中小型企业 (SME) 仍然主要依赖体力劳动。阻碍中小企业在更大程度上使用机器人的主要障碍被描述为初始投资大、成本不确定(总拥有成本)以及缺乏专业知识。可以在服务化中找到消除这些障碍的机会。虽然软件即服务 (SaaS) 或机器人即服务 (RaaS) 等范例已经存在,但它们主要侧重于通过云计算实现的软件(功能)。在本文中,提出了一种基于软件和硬件的新范式作为工业机器人即服务 (IRaaS),它由四个要素组成:灵活性(即插即用、移动性)、可用性(轻松编程、直观交互)、安全性(标准、策略)和商业模式(基于时间、基于使用)。为了概述当前最先进的技术水平,我们从 IRaaS 的角度对四个关键要素中的每一个进行了范围界定调查。
