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Invasive species policy in Brazil: a review and critical analysis
Environmental Conservation ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-16 , DOI: 10.1017/s0376892922000406
Larissa Faria , Barbara Maichak de Carvalho , Laís Carneiro , Natali Oliva Roman Miiller , Clemerson Richard Pedroso , Thiago Vinícius Trento Occhi , Lívia Helena Tonella , Jean Ricardo Simões Vitule

SummaryBiological invasions represent one of the main threats to biodiversity and a recognized economic burden worldwide; the issue has been included in the conservation agenda such as the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Brazil is a signatory country of the CBD; however, the number of alien species records in its territory is continuously rising. To evaluate the invasive alien species (IAS) policy in Brazil, we reviewed the legislation delineating historical trends to identify potential gaps and avenues for improvement. We consulted several websites using keywords related to invasions in order to track legal instruments such as laws, decrees and regulations. We classified the documents regarding their main aims with regard to IAS, taxon and environment of interest. We found 85 legal instruments in force related to IAS published in the federal sphere up to October 2021, with decrees being the most common type. Most documents were classified as ‘control’ and ‘prevention’ and were related to all taxa and environments. Two species (wild boar Sus scrofa and golden mussel Limnoperna fortunei) have more specific legislation, probably due to their conspicuous economic impacts. We discuss policy gaps and their implications for the efficient management and prevention of new IAS introductions to the country.



摘要生物入侵是对生物多样性的主要威胁之一,也是全世界公认的经济负担;该问题已被列入生物多样性公约(CBD)等保护议程。巴西是生物多样性公约的签署国;然而,其境内的外来物种记录数量却在不断上升。为了评估巴西的外来入侵物种 (IAS) 政策,我们审查了描绘历史趋势的立法,以确定潜在的差距和改进途径。我们使用与入侵相关的关键字查询了几个网站,以跟踪法律、法令和法规等法律文书。我们根据有关 IAS、分类单元和感兴趣环境的主要目标对文件进行了分类。截至 2021 年 10 月,我们发现在联邦范围内发布的与 IAS 相关的 85 项有效法律文书,其中法令是最常见的类型。大多数文件被归类为“控制”和“预防”,并且与所有分类群和环境有关。两种(野猪野猪和黄金贻贝林蛙) 有更具体的立法,可能是由于它们显着的经济影响。我们讨论了政策差距及其对有效管理和预防新 IAS 引入该国的影响。