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From coexistence to co-creation: Blurring boundaries in the age of AI
Information and Organization ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.infoandorg.2022.100432
Lauren Waardenburg , Marleen Huysman

While the self-learning nature of AI systems that use machine learning calls for sustained co-creation between developers and users during development, implementation and use, information systems and management scholars still largely build on a long-established tradition of separating technology development from use. Instead, the self-learning nature of AI calls for letting go of this tradition to separate between development and use, which is starting to happen in practice but has not yet found appropriate theoretical and methodological tools among researchers. In this paper we show some real-life attempts to develop sustained collaboration among developers and users, based on empirical cases of five organizations. In particular, we propose how blurring boundaries makes data production, explainable AI and AI deployment fields of practice where development and use intertwine. We suggest embracing the blurred boundaries of AI implementation in our theorizing, understanding the different parts of AI as fields of practice where development and use come together in the co-creation of AI and work.



虽然使用机器学习的人工智能系统的自学习性质要求开发人员和用户在开发、实施和使用过程中持续共同创造,但信息系统和管理学者仍然在很大程度上建立在技术开发与使用分离的长期传统之上. 相反,人工智能的自学性质要求放弃这种传统,将开发和使用分开,这在实践中已经开始发生,但尚未在研究人员中找到合适的理论和方法工具。在本文中,我们基于五个组织的经验案例展示了在开发人员和用户之间发展持续协作的一些现实尝试。特别是,我们提出了模糊边界如何产生数据,可解释的人工智能和人工智能部署实践领域,其中开发和使用相互交织。我们建议在我们的理论中拥抱人工智能实施的模糊界限,将人工智能的不同部分理解为实践领域,在人工智能和工作的共同创造中,开发和使用结合在一起。
