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Beyond the (im)mobility and social-environmental dichotomy: Young adults' motives to reside in rural northwest Europe
Population, Space and Place ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-11-07 , DOI: 10.1002/psp.2632
Henk Hofstede 1 , Koen Salemink 1 , Tialda Haartsen 1

In line with the increased attention for residential experiences of young adults in rural areas, this paper explores the diversity of residential motives and combines them into overarching residential orientations. Based on survey data, we distinguish five residential orientations on rural identity, family, livability, housing and employment. These orientations are analysed on the basis of residential history, expectation to stay, agency about residential choices and sociodemographics of young adults. This paper finds that most of the young adults have the expectation to stay in their rural home region for the rest of their lives or at least for the upcoming 10 years. In addition, most of them experience a free choice to reside in their rural home areas. Young adults possess five residential orientations which do not differ much with regard to residential history and the expectation to stay. Nevertheless, whereas the family residential orientation is the most general orientation among young adults, the rural identity residential orientation stands out with specific characteristics among young adults. A stronger rural identity orientation is most likely among independent young adults who experience agency in their residential choice and who expect to stay in the study areas.



随着对农村地区青年人居住体验的日益关注,本文探讨了居住动机的多样性,并将其整合为总体居住取向。根据调查数据,我们区分了农村身份、家庭、宜居性、住房和就业五种居住取向。这些取向是根据年轻人的居住历史、留下来的期望、居住选择的能动性和社会人口统计特征来分析的。本文发现,大多数年轻人都希望在他们的余生或至少未来 10 年内留在他们的农村家乡地区。此外,他们中的大多数人可以自由选择居住在农村地区。年轻人拥有五种居住取向,它们在居住历史和留下来的期望方面没有太大差异。然而,尽管家庭居住取向是年轻人最普遍的居住取向,但农村身份居住取向在年轻人中具有突出的特点。更强烈的农村身份取向最有可能出现在独立的年轻成年人中,他们在选择居住地时经历了代理并希望留在研究区。