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Prospective associations between mothers’ and fathers’ parenting styles and adolescents’ moral values: Stability and specificity by parent style and adolescent gender
New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-31 , DOI: 10.1002/cad.20488
Marc H Bornstein 1 , Jing Yu 1 , Diane L Putnick 1

This study coordinates moral value development in adolescence, parenting style, and gender with issues of stability and specificity. The primary research question asked whether parenting styles of mothers and fathers influence the development of adolescent moral values, and secondary research questions asked whether adolescent moral values were stable and whether gender moderated predictive relations of parenting styles and adolescent moral values. At 14 and 18 years, a sample of 246 adolescents completed the Sociomoral Reflection Objective Measure – Short Form; at 14 years, mothers and fathers self-reported their parenting styles using the Parental Authority Questionnaire. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses established a 2-factor model of adolescent moral values across the two ages: Life and Social Contract captured prosocial aspects of morality that are left to individual choice, and Law and Social Order captured acts that are legally or morally obligatory for individuals to perform. Structural equation modeling investigated relations between parental parenting styles and the two adolescent moral value factors, with adolescent age, gender, and family SES as covariates. Both moral values factors had high stabilities across the 4-year period. Mothers’ authoritarian parenting at 14 years, but not their authoritative or permissive parenting, negatively predicted Life and Social Contract moral values, but not Law and Social Order, in adolescents at 18 years, more so for boys. Fathers’ parenting styles did not predict adolescents’ moral values at 18 years. Girls and adolescents from higher-SES families had higher Life and Social Contract moral values at 14 years; boys experienced more increases in Life and Social Contract moral values from 14 to 18 years than girls. Stability and parental predictive validity of moral values for adolescence are discussed.



本研究将青春期的道德价值发展、教养方式和性别与稳定性和特异性问题协调起来。主要研究问题是父母的养育方式是否影响青少年道德价值观的发展,次要研究问题是青少年道德价值观是否稳定以及性别是否调节了养育方式和青少年道德价值观的预测关系。在 14 岁和 18 岁时,246 名青少年样本完成了社会道德反思客观测量——简表;在 14 岁时,母亲和父亲使用父母权威问卷自我报告了他们的养育方式。探索性和验证性因素分析建立了跨两个年龄段的青少年道德价值观的双因素模型:生活和社会契约捕捉到留给个人选择的道德的亲社会方面,法律和社会秩序捕捉到个人在法律或道德上有义务执行的行为。结构方程模型调查了父母教养方式与两个青少年道德价值因素之间的关系,其中青少年年龄、性别和家庭 SES 作为协变量。这两个道德价值观因素在 4 年期间都具有很高的稳定性。母亲在 14 岁时的专制养育,而不是她们的权威或宽容养育,对 18 岁青少年的生活和社会契约道德价值观有负面预测,但对法律和社会秩序没有负面影响,对男孩更是如此。父亲的教养方式并不能预测青少年 18 岁时的道德价值观。来自较高 SES 家庭的女孩和青少年在 14 岁时具有较高的生活和社会契约道德价值观;从 14 岁到 18 岁,男孩在生活和社会契约道德价值观方面的增长比女孩多。讨论了青春期道德价值观的稳定性和父母预测有效性。