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Biotic factors dominantly determine soil inorganic carbon stock across Tibetan alpine grasslands
Soil ( IF 6.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-28 , DOI: 10.5194/soil-8-687-2022
Junxiao Pan , Jinsong Wang , Dashuan Tian , Ruiyang Zhang , Yang Li , Lei Song , Jiaming Yang , Chunxue Wei , Shuli Niu

The soil inorganic carbon (SIC) pool is a major component of soil carbon (C) pools, and clarifying the predictors of SIC stock is urgent for decreasing soil C losses and maintaining soil health and ecosystem functions. However, the drivers and their relative effects on the SIC stock at different soil depths remain largely unexplored. Here, we conducted a large-scale sampling to investigate the effects and relative contributions of abiotic (climate and soil) and biotic (plant and microbe) drivers on the SIC stock between topsoils (0–10 cm) and subsoils (20–30 cm) across Tibetan alpine grasslands. Results showed that the SIC stock had no significant differences between the topsoil and subsoil. The SIC stock showed a significant increase with altitude, pH and sand proportion, but declined with mean annual precipitation (MAP), plant aboveground biomass (PAB), plant coverage (PC), root biomass (RB), available nitrogen (AN), microbial biomass carbon (MBC), and bacterial abundance (BA) and fungal gene abundance (FA). For both soil layers, biotic factors had larger effects on the SIC stock than abiotic factors did. However, the relative importance of these determinants varied with soil depth, with the effects of plant and microbial variables on SIC stock weakening with soil depth, whereas the importance of climatic and edaphic variables increased with soil depth. Specifically, BA, FA and PC played dominant roles in regulating SIC stock in the topsoil, while soil pH contributed largely to the variation of SIC stock in the subsoil. Our findings highlight differential drivers over SIC stock with soil depth, which should be considered in biogeochemical models for better simulating and predicting SIC dynamics and its feedbacks to environmental changes.