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Intimate partner violence among adolescents: Prevalence rates after one decade of research.
Journal of Adolescence ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-25 , DOI: 10.1002/jad.12108
Marina J Muñoz-Rivas 1 , Natalia Redondo 1 , Ricardo Olmos 2 , Román Ronzón-Tirado 1

INTRODUCTION Intimate partner violence research and intervention strategies have grown substantially over the last two decades. However, little research has examined whether the intimate partner prevalence has changed or remained stable over time in Spain. Moreover, few studies have analyzed whether intimate partner violence prevalence rates among genders and age groups have fluctuated similarly or not. METHOD The aim of this study was to analyze the trends observed in intimate partner violence perpetration and victimization rates among adolescents in three sample cohorts from Spain interviewed in 2006, 2010, and 2016 (4591 Spanish adolescents; 53.6% girls and 46.2% boys). ANCOVA was used to compare the population means between the cohorts: sex, age, and the type of intimate partner violence, for example, verbal, physical, and sexual. RESULTS The results showed a significant decrease in intimate partner violence rates from 2006 to 2016, which was more noticeable within the first half of this decade. Throughout the decade, the girls perpetrated more verbal and mild physical assaults, while the boys perpetrated more sexual assaults. However, these results suggest a clear bidirectional intimate partner violence dynamic between the genders. Additionally, late adolescence reported a higher prevalence of aggressions. CONCLUSIONS The results highlight the need to adapt current prevention strategies considering the differences in the intimate partner violence trajectories based on sex and age, with the aim of regaining the marked rate of decline in aggression observed up to 2010.



简介 在过去的二十年里,亲密伴侣暴力研究和干预策略有了长足的发展。然而,很少有研究调查西班牙的亲密伴侣患病率是否随时间变化或保持稳定。此外,很少有研究分析不同性别和年龄组的亲密伴侣暴力流行率是否有类似的波动。方法 本研究的目的是分析在 2006 年、2010 年和 2016 年接受采访的西班牙三个样本队列中观察到的青少年亲密伴侣暴力实施和受害率的趋势(4591 名西班牙青少年;53.6% 的女孩和 46.2% 的男孩)。ANCOVA 用于比较队列之间的人口均值:性别、年龄和亲密伴侣暴力的类型,例如言语、身体和性暴力。结果 结果显示,从 2006 年到 2016 年,亲密伴侣暴力发生率显着下降,这在本十年的前五年更为明显。在整个十年中,女孩们进行了更多的口头攻击和轻微的身体攻击,而男孩们则进行了更多的性侵犯。然而,这些结果表明两性之间存在明显的双向亲密伴侣暴力动态。此外,青春期后期报告的攻击行为更为普遍。结论 结果强调需要调整当前的预防策略,考虑到基于性别和年龄的亲密伴侣暴力轨迹的差异,目的是恢复到 2010 年观察到的攻击性显着下降速度。这在本十年的前五年更为明显。在整个十年中,女孩们进行了更多的口头攻击和轻微的身体攻击,而男孩们则进行了更多的性侵犯。然而,这些结果表明两性之间存在明显的双向亲密伴侣暴力动态。此外,青春期后期报告的攻击行为更为普遍。结论 结果强调需要调整当前的预防策略,考虑到基于性别和年龄的亲密伴侣暴力轨迹的差异,目的是恢复到 2010 年观察到的攻击性显着下降速度。这在本十年的前五年更为明显。在整个十年中,女孩们进行了更多的口头攻击和轻微的身体攻击,而男孩们则进行了更多的性侵犯。然而,这些结果表明两性之间存在明显的双向亲密伴侣暴力动态。此外,青春期后期报告的攻击行为更为普遍。结论 结果强调需要调整当前的预防策略,考虑到基于性别和年龄的亲密伴侣暴力轨迹的差异,目的是恢复到 2010 年观察到的攻击性显着下降速度。这些结果表明,两性之间存在明显的双向亲密伴侣暴力动态。此外,青春期后期报告的攻击行为更为普遍。结论 结果强调需要调整当前的预防策略,考虑到基于性别和年龄的亲密伴侣暴力轨迹的差异,目的是恢复到 2010 年观察到的攻击性显着下降速度。这些结果表明,两性之间存在明显的双向亲密伴侣暴力动态。此外,青春期后期报告的攻击行为更为普遍。结论 结果强调需要调整当前的预防策略,考虑到基于性别和年龄的亲密伴侣暴力轨迹的差异,目的是恢复到 2010 年观察到的攻击性显着下降速度。