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Insights into Natufian Social Identity: A Case Study from the Graveyard of Hayonim Cave
Cambridge Archaeological Journal ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-20 , DOI: 10.1017/s0959774322000282
Leore Grosman , Anna Belfer-Cohen

Summing up the data deriving from the Natufian burials at Hayonim Cave which incorporates information pertaining to the last grave uncovered on site (Grave XVII), the paper endeavours to understand the role of burials within the evolving Natufian society at large. It seems that certain sites—Hayonim Cave being a case in point—served as special localities, used by a particular group as a burial ground all through the Natufian time-span (i.e. for more than 3000 years). Members of that group returned to the cave again and again in order to bury their dead, being aware of the location of the preceding graves, apparently retaining a long-term memory of their burial practices. At the same time, at least some burials provide evidence for inter-group ties, as evident through particular similarities between certain burials in two distinct Natufian sites, Hayonim Cave and Eynan (‘Ain Mallaha). Clearly, retention of mortuary practices played a significant role in consolidating and preserving social cohesion in the Natufian society.


对 Natufian 社会身份的洞察:Hayonim Cave 墓地的案例研究

总结来自 Hayonim 洞穴纳图夫墓葬的数据,其中包含与现场发现的最后一座坟墓(第十七墓)有关的信息,本文努力了解墓葬在不断发展的纳图夫社会中的作用。似乎某些地点​​——Hayonim Cave 就是一个很好的例子——在纳图夫时期(即超过 3000 年)一直被特定群体用作特殊地点,用作墓地。该团体的成员一次又一次地返回洞穴以埋葬他们的死者,他们知道先前坟墓的位置,显然对他们的埋葬方式保留了长期记忆。与此同时,至少一些墓葬提供了族群间联系的证据,这可以通过两个不同的纳图夫遗址中某些墓葬之间的特殊相似性来证明,Hayonim 洞穴和 Eynan ('Ain Mallaha)。显然,太平间习俗的保留在巩固和维护纳图夫社会的社会凝聚力方面发挥了重要作用。
