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Biscuit production and consumption as war re-enactment
Continuum ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-19 , DOI: 10.1080/10304312.2022.2106357
Lindsay Kelley 1


This paper argues that eating biscuits produces a small-scale war re-enactment with each bite. I focus on Anzac biscuits, which are sold at cafes, baked at home, nibbled at morning tea, and are a crucial fundraiser for veterans’ organizations across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. The biscuit’s commemorative function starts with the Australia New Zealand Army Corps’ participation in the Gallipoli campaign during World War I. Anzac biscuits connect contemporary eaters with food observed on the battlefield. Thinking Anzac biscuits together with war re-enactment complicates the biscuit’s relations with national belonging, which rely on communitarian Christian frameworks that emphasize liturgy and communion. War re-enactment offers opportunities for slippage, transformation, and the possibility of changing history to change the present. Biscuits, including but not limited to Anzac biscuits, become political actors that counter conventional frameworks and invite new associations.




这篇论文认为,吃饼干每一口都会产生小规模的战争重演。我专注于 Anzac 饼干,它在咖啡馆出售,在家烘烤,在早茶时小口咀嚼,并且是澳大利亚和新西兰 Aotearoa 退伍军人组织的重要筹款活动。饼干的纪念功能始于第一次世界大战期间澳大利亚新西兰陆军参加加里波利战役。Anzac 饼干将当代食客与战场上观察到的食物联系起来。将澳新军团饼干与战争重演一起思考会使饼干与国家归属感的关系复杂化,这依赖于强调礼仪和圣餐的社群主义基督教框架。战争重演提供了滑坡、转型的机会,以及改变历史以改变现在的可能性。饼干,
