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Developmental theories: Past, present, and future
Developmental Review ( IF 8.361 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.dr.2022.101049
Patricia H. Miller

This article examines the state of the art in developmental theorizing today and identifies shifts in direction needed for further progress. Developmental psychology’s robust empirical base calls for new directions in theorizing. The historical context of theorizing shows how developmental theoretical issues arose from a series of developmental theories and the challenges to these theories. Several trends in developmental theorizing in recent years indicate how the theoretical landscape is changing. A look at the current state of theorizing reveals ways in which existing theories are limited, especially in light of new research findings and psychologists’ increasing awareness of the influence of the world views in which theories are developed. Suggested future directions for developmental theorizing include decentering individual minds by considering larger socio-cultural contexts, developing diversity-informed theories, and keeping a focus on core developmental principles.



