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The Burden of Hate: How Nonwork Discrimination Experienced During the COVID-19 Pandemic Impacts Asian American Employees
Journal of Business and Psychology ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-04 , DOI: 10.1007/s10869-022-09848-6
Lindsay Y Dhanani 1 , Matthew L LaPalme 2 , Carolyn T Pham 3 , Taylor K Hall 4

The COVID-19 pandemic has been accompanied by a sharp increase in prejudice and discrimination targeting Asian Americans in the USA. Thus, in addition to the public health risks associated with the virus, exposure to discrimination poses a unique threat to the health and well-being of Asian Americans. Indeed, empirical evidence has documented the linkage between experiencing anti-Asian discrimination during the pandemic and health decrements among Asian Americans. The goal of this study was to expand that research to also consider the ways experiencing discrimination in a nonwork context may spill over to affect the general and job-related well-being of Asian American employees as well as the potential mitigating role of coworker compassion. Results from a sample of 311 Asian American employees demonstrated that experiencing nonwork discrimination was associated with decrements in physical health and increased depression and job-related exhaustion. Further, there were significant interactions between nonwork discrimination and coworker compassion for engagement, emotional exhaustion, and depressive symptoms such that nonwork discrimination was more strongly related to each outcome when coworker compassion was low. The findings from the current study suggest that experiences of racial derogation, even those that occur outside the workplace environment, are detrimental to the well-being of employees and that coworker compassion is a positive resource that may foster healthier and more inclusive work environments.


仇恨的负担:COVID-19 大流行期间非工作歧视如何影响亚裔美国员工

伴随着 COVID-19 大流行,美国针对亚裔美国人的偏见和歧视急剧增加。因此,除了与病毒相关的公共卫生风险外,遭受歧视对亚裔美国人的健康和福祉构成了独特的威胁。事实上,经验证据已经记录了大流行期间遭受的反亚裔歧视与亚裔美国人健康状况下降之间的联系。本研究的目的是扩大该研究,以考虑在非工作环境中遭受歧视的方式可能会溢出影响亚裔美国员工的一般和工作相关的福祉,以及同事同情心的潜在缓解作用。来自 311 名亚裔美国人员工样本的结果表明,经历非工作歧视与身体健康下降、抑郁和工作相关的疲惫感增加有关。此外,非工作歧视与同事对敬业度、情绪耗竭和抑郁症状的同情心之间存在显着的相互作用,因此当同事同情心较低时,非工作歧视与每个结果的相关性更强。当前研究的结果表明,种族歧视的经历,即使是那些发生在工作环境之外的经历,也不利于员工的福祉,而同事的同情心是一种积极的资源,可以营造更健康、更具包容性的工作环境。
