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Labour pains left behind by a united and confident party conference
The BMJ ( IF 93.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-03 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj.o2373
Andy Cowper 1

Labour Party conferences have been factional and unsettled affairs for some years. Health campaigning in the Corbyn era was largely against fictional NHS privatisation. And fights then between the dominant hard left and the centrists made the annual conference atmospheres tense, if not actually unpleasant. This was not so in Liverpool last week. For the first time in many years Labour actually seemed, sounded, and acted like a prospective party of government. This was all helped by the government’s self-immolation over the mini-budget, which hit the bond and sterling markets hard. Labour’s conference saw big pledges on …



多年来,工党会议一直是派系和悬而未决的事务。科尔宾时代的健康运动主要反对虚构的 NHS 私有化。占主导地位的极左派和中间派之间的争斗使年度会议的气氛紧张起来,如果不是真的不愉快的话。上周利物浦的情况并非如此。多年来,工党第一次看起来、听起来和表现得像一个未来的政府政党。这一切都得益于政府在迷你预算问题上的自焚,这对债券和英镑市场造成了沉重打击。工党会议在……上做出了重大承诺