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Paleocene (65–63 and 58.5 ma) marine flooding and 62–60 ma sediment bypass in southern Wyoming, U.S.A.: Implications for Laramide sediment flux to the Gulf of Mexico
Journal of Sedimentary Research ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-31 , DOI: 10.2110/jsr.2021.111
Anton F.-J. Wroblewski 1, 2 , Ronald J. Steel 1, 2

Sedimentary structures unique to tidally influenced environments and unambiguously salinity-stressed marine ichnofossil assemblages in the lower Paleocene Ferris and upper Paleocene Hanna formations of Wyoming's Hanna Basin (HB) necessitate major revision of local and regional reconstructions of the Paleocene Western Interior Seaway (WIS). Preserved in sandy estuarine bars, sandy tidal flats, heterolithic distributary channels, bayhead delta, and flood-tide-delta deposits similar those in the modern Trinity River, its bayhead delta, and the San Luis Pass flood-tidal delta on the Texas coast, these these assemblages include Arenicolites, Bergaueria, Fuersichnus, Gyrochorte, Ophiomorpha, Palaeophycus, Planolites, Psilonichnus, Rhizocorallium, Rosselia, Siphonichnus, Skolithos, Spongeliomorpha, Taenidium, Thalassinoides, and tetrapod tracks. Mapping an ∼ 325-m-thick succession of lower Paleocene strata (65 to 63 Ma) around the western HB reveals a series of marine flooding events, each followed by coal accumulation. A similar, 170-m-thick succession of interfingering coastal-plain and restricted-marine strata occurs in the upper Paleocene (58.5 Ma) Hanna Formation, following accumulation of lacustrine and floodplain deposits and an episode of major gravel and cobble progradation from 62 to 60 Ma. These younger ichnofossils record the final major transgression of the WIS and have major implications for the depositional environment of the time-equivalent Waltman Shale in the Wind River Basin to the north and for sediment routing to the Gulf Coast Wilcox sands. Ichnofossils are an underutilized source of physicochemical proxy data that are lifting the veil from the cryptic Paleocene transgressions of the WIS that have for so long remained undetected because of the absence of open-marine body fossils.


美国怀俄明州南部古新世(65-63 和 58.5 ma)海洋洪水和 62-60 ma 沉积物旁路:对墨西哥湾的 Laramide 沉积物通量的影响

怀俄明州汉纳盆地 (HB) 的下古新世摩天和上古新世汉纳地层中受潮汐影响的环境所特有的沉积结构和明确的受盐度胁迫的海洋石化石组合需要对古新世西部内陆航道 (WIS) 的局部和区域重建进行重大修订。保存在沙质河口坝、沙质滩涂、异石分流河道、海湾三角洲和洪水三角洲沉积物中,类似于现代三一河、其海湾三角洲和德克萨斯海岸的圣路易斯山口洪水-潮汐三角洲,这些组合包括Arenicolites、Bergaueria、Fuersichnus、Gyrochorte、Ophiomorpha、Palaeophycus、Planolites、Psilonichnus、Rhizocorallium、Rosselia、Siphonichnus、Skolithos、Spongeliomorpha、Taenidium、Thalassinoides 和四足动物轨道。绘制 HB 西部周围约 325 米厚的下古新世地层(65 至 63 Ma)的连续图,揭示了一系列海洋洪水事件,每个事件之后都是煤堆积。在上古新世(58.5 Ma)Hanna 组中出现了类似的 170 米厚的相互交错的沿海平原和限制性海相地层,这是在湖泊和洪泛平原沉积物的积累以及从 62 到 62 60 毫安。这些较年轻的化石化石记录了 WIS 的最终主要海侵,并对北部风河盆地中与时间相当的 Waltman 页岩的沉积环境以及通往墨西哥湾沿岸 Wilcox 砂的沉积物路径产生重大影响。