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Analysis of machining quality of 304 stainless steel deep hole by changing angle of gun drill
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-28 , DOI: 10.1007/s00170-022-10199-y
Chen Xie , Liang Li , Ying Zhang , Jiacheng Lou , Yu Pan

With the continuous development of the manufacturing industry, the proportion of deep hole machining in mechanical processing is increasing. In 304 stainless steel, as a kind of difficult machining material, its deep hole machining demand is also increasing year by year. Due to the physical characteristics of 304 stainless steel and the uncontrollability of gun drilling, the quality of deep hole processing is relatively poor. In this paper, some experimental studies are carried out to solve this engineering problem. Firstly, by analyzing the structure of the gun head, this paper establishes the stress model of the gun head in the processing process. Then, the accuracy of the theory is verified by experiments. Secondly, this research carried out multiple single-factor drilling experiments to change the front angle of the internal and external edges of the gun drill to control the cutting force in the machining process. Based on the analysis of the test results, the influence of the change of the gun drill’s internal and external edge angle on the surface quality of hole wall, chip forming, and hole straightness offset is explored. The results show that the increase in the internal angle of a gun drill can promote the surface roughness of the hole wall and chip forming. And properly increasing the external angle can slow down the straightness offset of the hole. Finally, for the deep hole processing of 304 stainless steel, this paper gives the best edge angle selection of gun drill.



