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Orthopaedic and trauma surgery in the time of COVID-19 in France: A nationwide survey
Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.otsr.2022.103423
Audrey Angelliaume 1 , Yohan Legallois 2 , Edouard Harly 3 , Julien Dartus 4 , Pierre Lavignac 2 , Pierre-Emmanuel Chammas 5 , Pierre Meynard 6 , 7 , 7 , 8


The year 2020 was marked by the COVID-19 pandemic. The entire French health system was mobilized. Surgical services were asked to reschedule all elective procedures. We wondered about the impact of this pandemic on French orthopaedic surgeons. The main objective of this survey was to assess the impact of COVID-19 on emergency and non-emergency orthopaedic surgical activities. The secondary objectives were: to report how orthopaedic surgeons had mobilized and reorganized, and to assess the physical and psychological consequences on their state of health.


The COVID-19 epidemic has led to the suspension of all elective orthopaedic surgeries and has also led to changes in the management of urgent surgeries and traumatology.

Material and methods

This descriptive epidemiological study was conducted in France. A 40-question survey was sent to all French orthopaedic surgeons (senior surgeons and residents) via the mailing lists of the French Society of Orthopaedic and Traumatological Surgery (SoFCOT), the French Society of Pediatric Orthopaedics (SoFOP) and the College of Young Orthopedists (CJO).


Over a period of one month, 1098 surgeons; 852 senior surgeons and 246 residents, answered the questionnaire. The complete cessation of all elective interventions was effective in 80% of cases. Urgent and semi-urgent interventions were maintained. Three hundred and twenty-six surgeons (30%) modified their trauma management, among them 55% came from the regions most affected by the pandemic. Sixty percent of surgeons did not receive training to take care of COVID+ patients and 40% took care of these patients. Among the orthopaedic surgeons surveyed, 28% were redeployed to medical services. Teleconsultation was used by 41% of surgeons. Twenty-six (2%) surgeons tested positive for COVID-19 and 54% showed at least one sign of psychological suffering.


French orthopaedic surgeons reorganized and changed their practices quickly and efficiently to deal with the pandemic. However, progress remains to be seen with training of orthopaedic surgeons in the care of COVID+ patients, as well as to democratize the use of telemedicine.

Level of evidence



法国 COVID-19 时期的骨科和创伤手术:一项全国调查


2020 年以 COVID-19 大流行为标志。整个法国卫生系统都动员起来了。要求外科服务重新安排所有择期手术。我们想知道这种流行病对法国整形外科医生的影响。本次调查的主要目的是评估 COVID-19 对紧急和非紧急骨科手术活动的影响。次要目标是:报告整形外科医生是如何动员和重组的,并评估对他们健康状况的身心影响。


COVID-19 疫情导致所有择期骨科手术暂停,也导致紧急手术和创伤学管理发生变化。


这项描述性流行病学研究是在法国进行的。通过法国骨科和创伤外科学会 (SoFCOT)、法国小儿骨科学会 (SoFOP) 和青年骨科医师学院的邮件列表,向所有法国骨科外科医生(高级外科医生和住院医师)发送了一份包含 40 个问题的调查(CJO)。


在一个月的时间里,1098 名外科医生;852名资深外科医生和246名住院医师回答了问卷。完全停止所有选择性干预对 80% 的病例有效。维持紧急和半紧急干预措施。326 名外科医生 (30%) 改进了他们的创伤管理,其中 55% 来自受大流行影响最严重的地区。60% 的外科医生没有接受过照顾 COVID+ 患者的培训,而 40% 的外科医生负责照顾这些患者。在接受调查的整形外科医生中,有 28% 的人被重新部署到医疗服务部门。41% 的外科医生使用远程会诊。二十六 (2%) 名外科医生的 COVID-19 检测呈阳性,54% 的外科医生表现出至少一种心理痛苦迹象。


法国整形外科医生迅速有效地重组和改变了他们的做法,以应对这一流行病。然而,在培训整形外科医生护理 COVID+ 患者以及远程医疗的民主化使用方面,仍有待观察。


