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The Impact of a Pharmacist-Led Intravenous to Oral Switch of Metronidazole: A Before-and-After Study
Antibiotics ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-25 , DOI: 10.3390/antibiotics11101303
Mahdi Algargoosh 1, 2 , Stephen Ritchie 3 , Eamon Duffy 1 , Bert Van der Werf 4 , Mark Thomas 3 , Nataly Martini 2

(1) Background. Intravenous (IV) to oral switch (IVOS) of antibiotics can reduce the length of hospitalisation, risk of IV catheter complications, and hospital costs. Pharmacists can play an instrumental role in implementing an IVOS initiative. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of pharmacist-led IVOS of metronidazole. (2) Method. This was an observational study conducted in a New Zealand hospital. During a 3-month intervention period, pharmacists identified patients receiving IV metronidazole; then initiated an IVOS for patients who met the criteria. The comparator groups were patients who were not switched by pharmacists in the post-intervention (post-IVOS) group, or patients treated with either IV or oral metronidazole prior to the intervention (pre-IVOS). Primary outcome measures were switch rate and duration of IV metronidazole treatment. Secondary outcome measures were readmission and/or repeat surgery within 90 days of discharge and the length of hospital stay. (3) Results. In total, 203 patients were included: 100 in the pre-IVOS and 103 in the post-IVOS groups. Pharmacists switched 63/93 (67.7%) of eligible patients to oral metronidazole in the post-IVOS period. Only 9/89 (10.1%) of IVOS eligible patients were switched in the pre-IVOS group. In the post-IVOS group, the mean duration of IV metronidazole treatment in patients switched by pharmacists was shorter than in those who were not switched by pharmacists (2.5 ± 2.8 days vs. 4.8 ± 5.9 days, p = 0.012). No significant difference was found in readmission or repeat surgery within 90 days of discharge for patients switched by pharmacists versus patients who were not switched by pharmacists. (4) Conclusion. Our data have demonstrated successful implementation of the hospital-approved pharmacist-led IVOS service.



(1) 背景。静脉注射 (IV) 到口服抗生素 (IVOS) 可以减少住院时间、IV 导管并发症的风险和住院费用。药剂师可以在实施 IVOS 计划中发挥重要作用。本研究的目的是评估药剂师主导的甲硝唑 IVOS 的影响。(2)方法。这是在新西兰一家医院进行的一项观察性研究。在 3 个月的干预期间,药剂师确定了接受静脉注射甲硝唑的患者;然后为符合标准的患者启动IVOS。比较组是干预后(IVOS 后)组中未由药剂师转换的患者,或干预前(IVOS 前)接受静脉注射或口服甲硝唑治疗的患者。主要结果指标是转换率和静脉注射甲硝唑治疗的持续时间。次要结局指标是出院后 90 天内再入院和/或重复手术以及住院时间。(3) 结果。总共包括 203 名患者:IVOS 前组 100 名,IVOS 后组 103 名。在 IVOS 后,药剂师将 63/93 (67.7%) 的合格患者改为口服甲硝唑。只有 9/89 (10.1%) 的 IVOS 合格患者在预 IVOS 组中转换。在 IVOS 后组中,由药剂师转换的患者 IV 甲硝唑治疗的平均持续时间比未由药剂师转换的患者短(2.5 ± 2.8 天 vs. 4.8 ± 5.9 天,总共包括 203 名患者:IVOS 前组 100 名,IVOS 后组 103 名。在 IVOS 后,药剂师将 63/93 (67.7%) 的合格患者改为口服甲硝唑。只有 9/89 (10.1%) 的 IVOS 合格患者在预 IVOS 组中转换。在 IVOS 后组中,由药剂师转换的患者 IV 甲硝唑治疗的平均持续时间比未由药剂师转换的患者短(2.5 ± 2.8 天 vs. 4.8 ± 5.9 天,总共包括 203 名患者:IVOS 前组 100 名,IVOS 后组 103 名。在 IVOS 后,药剂师将 63/93 (67.7%) 的合格患者改为口服甲硝唑。只有 9/89 (10.1%) 的 IVOS 合格患者在预 IVOS 组中转换。在 IVOS 后组中,由药剂师转换的患者 IV 甲硝唑治疗的平均持续时间比未由药剂师转换的患者短(2.5 ± 2.8 天 vs. 4.8 ± 5.9 天,p = 0.012)。由药剂师转换的患者与未由药剂师转换的患者在出院后 90 天内再入院或再次手术无显着差异。(4。结论。我们的数据表明,医院认可的药剂师主导的 IVOS 服务已成功实施。