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Nonlinear dynamics and control of galloping vibration under unsteady wind flow by high-frequency excitation
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2022.106897
Pradyumna Kumar Sahoo , Shyamal Chatterjee

Nonlinear dynamics and control of the galloping of elastic structures is an important research topic that has been addressed in the present paper. Some recent research has used high-frequency excitation in controlling galloping oscillations under steady wind. However, galloping under unsteady wind is potentially more dangerous because of the presence of an additional parametric instability on top of self-excited oscillation. No scientific study is thus far available in the literature concerning the control of galloping under unsteady wind. The present paper investigates the efficacy of high-frequency excitation, both parametric and direct, for controlling unsteady galloping. Analytical and numerical methods are employed to understand the dynamics of the system with and without high-frequency excitation. A detailed nonlinear analysis of the problem reveals rich dynamic characteristics of the system under different types of possible aerodynamic damping profiles. Overall, it is shown that both direct and parametric high-frequency excitation can effectively control the galloping oscillation. Direct excitation can completely eliminate the periodic as well as quasiperiodic galloping arising due to unsteady wind. However, parametric excitation can only limit the oscillation amplitude.



