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Citizens’ use of public urban green spaces at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ufug.2022.127739
De Meo Isabella 1 , Becagli Claudia 1 , Cantiani Maria Giulia 2 , Casagli Alessandro 1 , Paletto Alessandro 3

Since early 2020, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has spread rapidly, quickly becoming a global pandemic. To counter the COVID-19 outbreak, national governments have issued different measures and restrictions, forcing citizens to adapt to a whole new lifestyle. These restrictions have impacted on the use of green spaces by citizens owing to many factors: more available free time, increased flexibility in the work environment, and a need to relax in Nature to relieve anxiety and stress. Urban green spaces provide many benefits for the physical and psychological well-being of citizens (e.g., habitat conservation, pollution control, recreational and leisure opportunities). To understand if citizens’ habits have changed due to the COVID-19 restrictions, this study provides insights from a web-based survey monitoring the use of such spaces before and during the COVID-19 lockdowns in Italy. A web-based questionnaire was conducted via “Facebook Messenger” and “WhatsApp” at the end of the second wave of COVID-19 (May–June 2021). Data collection having been concluded, 1075 completed questionnaires were collected and processed. The results show that while many reduced their weekly frequentation of green areas (−16.5%), the number of people frequenting green areas near their home every day increased (+7.7%). Two main groups of people were identified: the first, those who intensified their visits to green areas being those who desired to spend time in contact with Nature; the second, those who were reluctant to visit green areas for fear of being infected. The results also show most of the respondents felt urban green areas were either very important (82.1%) or important (14.4%). Overall, the results reveal that COVID-19 induced a positive perception of the benefits provided by urban green areas, with a consequent greater use of them, which seems destined to last even once the public health emergency has passed.


意大利 COVID-19 大流行期间公民对城市公共绿地的使用情况

自 2020 年初以来,2019 年冠状病毒病(COVID-19)迅速传播,迅速成为全球大流行病。为了应对 COVID-19 疫情,各国政府颁布了不同的措施和限制,迫使公民适应全新的生活方式。由于多种因素,这些限制影响了公民对绿色空间的使用:更多的空闲时间、工作环境灵活性的增加以及在大自然中放松以缓解焦虑和压力的需要。城市绿地为公民的身心健康提供了许多好处(例如,栖息地保护、污染控制、娱乐和休闲机会)。为了了解公民的习惯是否因 COVID-19 限制而发生变化,本研究提供了一项基于网络的调查,该调查监测了意大利 COVID-19 封锁之前和期间此类空间的使用情况。在第二波 COVID-19(2021 年 5 月至 6 月)结束时,通过“Facebook Messenger”和“WhatsApp”进行了基于网络的调查问卷。数据收集工作结束后,共收集并处理了 1075 份已完成的调查问卷。结果显示,虽然许多人减少了每周去绿地的次数(−16.5%),但每天光顾家附近绿地的人数却增加了(+7.7%)。确定了两个主要人群:第一类是那些愿意花时间与大自然接触的人,他们会加强对绿地的访问;第二类是那些愿意花时间与大自然接触的人。第二类是那些因担心被感染而不愿前往绿地的人。结果还显示,大多数受访者认为城市绿地要么非常重要(82.1%),要么很重要(14.4%)。 总体而言,结果表明,COVID-19 引发了人们对城市绿地带来的好处的积极认知,从而增加了对城市绿地的使用,即使公共卫生紧急情况过去,这种情况似乎也注定会持续下去。
