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Communicating with clarity
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-22 , DOI: 10.1126/science.ade8683
H Holden Thorp 1

It’s easy to be discouraged by the apparently grim state of science communication. Politicians and charlatans are promoting conspiracy theories about everything from COVID-19 to climate change. Scientists are ignored by friends and relatives who would rather believe the pseudoscientific claims of a huckster with a podcast. Experts who enter the political and public milieu sometimes find themselves unable to communicate clearly, creating confusion and disdain. In the midst of this angst, Alan Alda has emerged as an unassailable voice of hope and optimism, firm in the belief that better science communication is attainable and can be transformative.



科学传播的严峻形势很容易使人灰心。政客和江湖骗子正在宣传从 COVID-19 到气候变化等方方面面的阴谋论。科学家被朋友和亲戚所忽视,他们宁愿相信播客的小贩的伪科学主张。进入政治和公共环境的专家有时会发现自己无法清晰地沟通,造成混乱和不屑。在这种焦虑中,艾伦·阿尔达(Alan Alda)以无懈可击的希望和乐观之声出现,坚信更好的科学交流是可以实现的,并且可以带来变革。