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A mobile isolator that eases the life of ICU staffs during COVID-19
Critical Care ( IF 8.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-20 , DOI: 10.1186/s13054-022-04146-2
Linghua Yu 1 , Feng Han 1

During the outbreak of COVID-19, more patients need to be admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) for treatment and rescue [1]. While the introduction of COVID-19 has been considered a new threat to the safety of medical workers in the ICU, personal protective equipment (PPE) for them is particularly important to avoid nosocomial infection during a COVID epidemic [2]. In many cases, health care staffs are afraid to get in and out of ICU for the risk of being exposed to COVID-19. Thus, effective strategy and measures have to be adopted to prevent transmission of COVID between patients and health care workers in ICU.

Survey showed it is a terrible experience to wear a disposable protective clothing for long period due to heat retention and sweating. Besides, it was time-consuming to put on and take off these clothing. These weak points seriously affect the protective effect of PPE. Meanwhile, the extensive use of disposable protective clothing during the epidemic has raised concerns over mental health issues among medical workers in ICU, who are required to wear these sealed clothing every day [3].

The disposable protective clothing cannot be recycled after use because it is contaminated with virus droplets or blood splashes. They must be treated as infectious waste and treated in a high-temperature incinerator with strict specifications. The increased demand for disposable protective clothing is only a good news for manufacturers, but it poses a huge burden on the environment.

Researchers proposed the deployment of a mobile pod for containing and treating COVID-19 patients in an underserved community area as a standard method of treating highly contagious and severely ill patients during a pandemic (4). Herein, we designed a mobile transparent isolator, which can carry the medical worker going around the ICU (Fig. 1). This mobile isolator has a segway-like chassis and a transparent isolating cabin. The chassis can move forward, backward, and turn under the control of the passenger. The cabin accommodates only one medical worker, which allows it to move agilely between ward beds. So cabin can be disinfected repeatedly, and patients can be treated quickly without the need for disposable protective clothing. The mobile isolator is equipped with sensors that monitor the changes in temperature, pressure, or moisture. It will stop or reverse if necessary to avoid potential collision. When detecting an obstacle, it will automatically start rotating to ensure its safe movement. Equipped with this mobile isolator, medical workers facing highly contagious patients do not require long-term isolation in wards or hotels, which greatly alleviates mental illness. In addition, the mobile isolator possesses advantages over the PPE that it has low TCO (total cost of ownership) and low social cost. And the medical worker will not feel anxious about a possible shortage of supplies. Needless to say, this mobile isolator can also be used in any outbreak of infectious diseases in ICU, such as the recent monkeypox.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The illustration of a mobile isolator in ICU

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  1. Maes M, Higginson E, Pereira-Dias J, Curran MD, Parmar S, Khokhar F, Cuchet-Lourenço D, et al. Ventilator-associated pneumonia in critically ill patients with COVID-19. Crit Care. 2021;25:25.

    Article Google Scholar

  2. Tabah A, Ramanan M, Laupland KB, Buetti N, Cortegiani A, Mellinghoff J, Conway Morris A, et al. Personal protective equipment and intensive care unit healthcare worker safety in the COVID-19 era (PPE-SAFE): an international survey. J Crit Care. 2020;59:70–5.

    CAS Article Google Scholar

  3. Laurent A, Fournier A, Lheureux F, Louis G, Nseir S, Jacq G, Goulenok C, et al. Mental health and stress among ICU healthcare professionals in France according to intensity of the COVID-19 epidemic. Ann Intensive Care. 2021;11:90.

    CAS Article Google Scholar

  4. Petrova E, Farinholt T, Joshi TP, Moreno H, Al Mohajer M, Patel SM, Petrosino J, et al. A community-based management of COVID-19 in a mobile container unit. Vaccines (Basel). 2021;9:1362.

    CAS Article Google Scholar

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The funding of this study was supported by Grants from the Medical health Project of Zhejiang Province (2022KY1238), Key project of the Affiliated Hospital of Jiaxing University (2020YJZD005), Key medical discipline in Jiaxing–Gastroenterology (2019-ZC-08), and the First Hospital of Jiaxing/Affiliated Hospital of Jiaxing University Joint Research Fund (2021LHJJ004).

Authors and Affiliations

  1. Gastroenterology and Hepatology Department, Institute of Liver Diseases, The Affiliated Hospital of Jiaxing University, 1882 Central-South Road, Jiaxing, 314001, Zhejiang Province, People’s Republic of China

    Linghua Yu & Feng Han

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  2. Feng HanView author publications

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Linghua Yu participated in the design and interpretation and drafted the manuscript. Figure 1 is originally created by the corresponding author. Feng Han helped to finalize the paper. All authors reviewed the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Linghua Yu.

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Yu, L., Han, F. A mobile isolator that eases the life of ICU staffs during COVID-19. Crit Care 26, 284 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13054-022-04146-2

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  • COVID-19
  • Mobile isolator
  • Intensive care unit


一种移动隔离器,可在 COVID-19 期间减轻 ICU 工作人员的生活

在 COVID-19 爆发期间,更多的患者需要入住重症监护病房 (ICU) 进行治疗和抢救 [1]。尽管 COVID-19 的引入被认为是对 ICU 医务人员安全的新威胁,但为他们提供的个人防护设备 (PPE) 对于避免 COVID 流行期间的医院感染尤为重要 [2]。在许多情况下,医护人员害怕进出重症监护室,以免暴露于 COVID-19 的风险。因此,必须采取有效的策略和措施来防止 COVID 在 ICU 的患者和医护人员之间传播。



研究人员建议部署一个移动吊舱,用于在服务不足的社区区域容纳和治疗 COVID-19 患者,作为在大流行期间治疗高传染性和重症患者的标准方法 (4)。在这里,我们设计了一种移动式透明隔离器,可以携带医务人员在 ICU 周围走动(图 1)。这种移动隔离器具有类似赛格威的底盘和透明的隔离舱。底盘可以在乘客的控制下前进、后退和转弯。机舱仅可容纳一名医务人员,可以在病床之间灵活移动。因此舱室可以反复消毒,无需一次性防护服即可快速救治患者。移动隔离器配备了监测温度、压力或湿度变化的传感器。如有必要,它将停止或倒车以避免潜在的碰撞。当检测到障碍物时,它会自动开始旋转,以确保其安全移动。配备这种移动隔离器,面对高传染性患者的医务人员无需在病房或酒店长期隔离,大大缓解了精神疾病。此外,移动隔离器比 PPE 具有低 TCO(总拥有成本)和低社会成本的优势。医务人员不会对可能出现的物资短缺感到焦虑。不用说,这种移动隔离器也可以用于ICU任何传染病的爆发,例如最近的猴痘。配备这种移动隔离器,面对高传染性患者的医务人员无需在病房或酒店长期隔离,大大缓解了精神疾病。此外,移动隔离器比 PPE 具有低 TCO(总拥有成本)和低社会成本的优势。医务人员不会对可能出现的物资短缺感到焦虑。不用说,这种移动隔离器也可以用于ICU任何传染病的爆发,例如最近的猴痘。配备这种移动隔离器,面对高传染性患者的医务人员无需在病房或酒店长期隔离,大大缓解了精神疾病。此外,移动隔离器比 PPE 具有低 TCO(总拥有成本)和低社会成本的优势。医务人员不会对可能出现的物资短缺感到焦虑。不用说,这种移动隔离器也可以用于ICU任何传染病的爆发,例如最近的猴痘。医务人员不会对可能出现的物资短缺感到焦虑。不用说,这种移动隔离器也可以用于ICU任何传染病的爆发,例如最近的猴痘。医务人员不会对可能出现的物资短缺感到焦虑。不用说,这种移动隔离器也可以用于ICU任何传染病的爆发,例如最近的猴痘。





  1. Maes M、Higginson E、Pereira-Dias J、Curran MD、Parmar S、Khokhar F、Cuchet-Lourenço D 等。COVID-19重症患者的呼吸机相关性肺炎。暴击护理。2021;25:25。


  2. Tabah A、Ramanan M、Laupland KB、Buetti N、Cortegiani A、Mellinghoff J、Conway Morris A 等。COVID-19 时代的个人防护设备和重症监护病房医护人员的安全 (PPE-SAFE):一项国际调查。J 暴击护理。2020;59:70-5。

    CAS 文章 谷歌学术

  3. Laurent A、Fournier A、Lheureux F、Louis G、Nseir S、Jacq G、Goulenok C 等。根据 COVID-19 流行的强度,法国 ICU 医疗保健专业人员的心理健康和压力。安重症监护。2021;11:90。

    CAS 文章 谷歌学术

  4. Petrova E、Farinholt T、Joshi TP、Moreno H、Al Mohajer M、Patel SM、Petrosino J 等。移动容器单元中基于社区的 COVID-19 管理。疫苗(巴塞尔)。2021;9:1362。

    CAS 文章 谷歌学术




  1. 浙江省嘉兴市中南路1882号嘉兴大学附属医院肝病研究所消化内科和肝病科, 314001

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Yu, L., Han, F. 一种移动隔离器,可在 COVID-19 期间减轻 ICU 工作人员的生活。重症监护 26 , 284 (2022)。https://doi.org/10.1186/s13054-022-04146-2


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  • 新冠肺炎
  • 移动隔离器
  • 重症监护室