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Resisting issue-linkage: social standards and Australian trade agreements
Journal of International Relations and Development ( IF 1.333 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-19 , DOI: 10.1057/s41268-022-00277-9
Evgeny Postnikov , Lachlan McKenzie

Free trade agreements (FTAs) have become the main vehicle of trade liberalisation. Both North-South and South-South FTAs increasingly go beyond the removal of trade barriers and link free trade with social standards, including labour and environmental provisions. Australia has been at the forefront of bilateral trade liberalisation, signing multiple FTAs, but conspicuously avoided incorporating social standards in the agreements it initiated. In doing so it has become a real outlier in the OECD world. What accounts for Australia’s resistance to the inclusion of social standards in FTAs? Scholars have advanced various explanations for the issue-linkage between social standards and FTAs, including cross-national diffusion, societal interests, domestic institutions and bargaining. We evaluate their explanatory power and argue that Australian policy-makers view social standards primarily as protectionist tools that could hurt trade. This perception is reinforced by the broad acceptance of free trade among the Australian public. We explore the framing of social standards by Australian trade policy officials and the public to uncover why Australia has failed to link social standards with its trade agreements. Our analysis adds to the growing literature on FTA design and non-trade issues using Australia as a deviant case.



