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Insurgent peace research: affects, friendship and feminism as methods
Conflict, Security & Development Pub Date : 2022-09-16 , DOI: 10.1080/14678802.2022.2122699
Priscyll Anctil Avoine 1


Affect and friendship change the way we think about research (epistemology) and conduct research (methodology). This article accounts for affect and friendship as feminist methods in peace research. It argues that affective feminist conversations, practices and actions through friendship can drastically modify how we think about peace. Based on fieldwork conducted in Colombia (2019 and 2022) with female ex-guerrilleras from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People’s Army (Farc-ep), it (1) draws upon the concepts of camaradería and being insurgent proposed by the women of the Farc-ep to (2) trace how affect and friendship can change the way we do peace research. Ultimately, the article proposes four aspects for the adoption of friendship as a method in peace research by: 1) deconstructing the linearity in peace research methods; 2) multiplying data collection’s methods; 3) including affects throughout the whole research process and 4) advocating for an insurgent peace research that vindicates long-term ‘transversal politics’ and translocal coalition-building.




情感和友谊改变了我们思考研究(认识论)和进行研究(方法论)的方式。本文将情感和友谊解释为和平研究中的女权主义方法。它认为,通过友谊进行的富有感情的女权主义对话、实践和行动可以极大地改变我们对和平的看法。基于在哥伦比亚(2019 年和 2022 年)与来自哥伦比亚革命武装力量 – 人民军 (Farc-ep) 的女性前游击队员进行的实地调查,它 (1) 借鉴了友情叛乱的概念Farc-ep 的女性提出的(2)追踪情感和友谊如何改变我们进行和平研究的方式。最后,文章从四个方面提出了在和平研究中采用友谊作为一种方法:1)解构和平研究方法的线性;2) 增加数据收集的方法;3) 包括贯穿整个研究过程的影响力和 4) 倡导反叛和平研究,以证明长期的“横向政治”和跨地方联盟建设是正确的。
