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Reducing Salesperson Turnover Intentions via Organizational Market Orientation and Selective Hiring: A Job Demand-Resources Approach
Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-16 , DOI: 10.1080/1051712x.2022.2121503
David E. Fleming 1 , Andrew B. Artis 2 , Eric G. Harris 3 , J. Ricky Fergurson 1 , Matthew A Askew 4



This study is designed to respond to repeated calls for research on sales person retentionby building upon a mature research stream to identify ways to reduce turnover in boundary spanning employees and the resultant effect it has on organizational productivity. Specifically, this research draws on the Job Demands-Resources model to explore the effect of employee perceptions of firm market orientation as a way to reduce role stressors and subsequently turnover intentions. It also looks at employee traits that may serve as a buffer to the role stress to turnover intentions link and can be part of the hiring selection process (in this case grit). In so doing, this research uses a sample of early career salespeople to examine the effects of a firm’s market orientation (MO) and selective hiring for specific traits (level of grit) on a salesperson’s intention to quit using Job Demand-Resources as a framework.


The authors utilized a questionnaire to collect data from a sample consisting of 260 respondents who were employed full-time and worked in either B2B or B2C sales as boundary-spanning employees. The measures utilized in this study have been used in previous research and have demonstrated acceptable reliability and validity. Analysis of the latent constructs was conducted using PLS-SEM. The model was assessed as specified in the hypotheses and was estimated using the PLS algorithm to obtain path coefficient estimates.


Findings suggest that organizations can benefit internally from strong MO by mitigating stressors placed on boundary-spanning employees. Those who perceived strong MO in their employer experienced more clearly defined roles, which led to decreased role ambiguity. These increased levels of job satisfaction, which reduced turnover intention. Additionally, Grit appears to only moderate the link between role conflict and job satisfaction, which suggests that grit can serve as an additional resource salespeople can tap into in response to the demands of role stressors thereby reducing their likelihood of leaving their positions.

Research Implications

In this research, inclusion of market orientation as an antecedent to role stressors in the Job Demands-Resources model expands the conceptualization of the construct as it relates to salespeople in that market orientation is something the firm can control directly. This opens research opportunities to use this model in the sales literature. In addition, the job-demands-resources model expands the role of grit beyond positive psychology to be viewed as a resource in stressful situations and puts the role of grit into a theoretical framework for use in business contexts. As such, the current work suggests that the grit scale can be used to replace measures used for similar constructs such as tenacity.

Practical Implications

This research suggests that role ambiguity can be reduced by the presence of a market orientation. This reduction in role ambiguity leads to an increase in job satisfaction which leads to reduced turnover intention. Thus, this study indicates that there may be a cost-saving benefit (e.g. recruiting and retention efforts, lost sales, etc.) that accrues to firms with a market orientation due to reduced salesperson turnover via role perceptions. This supports that the idea that organizations can benefit from market orientation not only externally, but also internally in terms of mitigating stressors placed on boundary-spanning employees. Therefore, companies should push for adoption of market orientation in order to alleviate some key role stressors placed on their salespeople in addition to the already established benefits from external customers.

The link between grit, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions is another positive finding. As expected, job satisfaction helps reduce turnover intentions; however, the relationship is moderated by grit in such a way that people with higher grit show a weaker link between job satisfaction and turnover intentions while those with lower levels of grit show a stronger link between job satisfaction and turnover intentions. This raises human resource issues in the hiring process: human resource managers should work to identify salespeople with high levels of grit in order to better minimize turnover intentions given the cost of turnover to organizations.


This research expands existing research by examining the effects of a firm’s market orientation (MO) and selective hiring for specific traits (level of grit) on a salesperson’s intention to quit using Job Demand-Resources as a framework Combining these two literature streams – market orientation and salesperson grit – is novel and will inspire new thinking and foster new insights. This study serves as a starting point for future research to examine firm controllable resources (market orientation) along with employee traits that can act as a buffer (grit) when resources are scarce.







作者使用问卷从 260 名受访者的样本中收集数据,这些受访者是全职员工并在 B2B 或 B2C 销售中作为跨界员工工作。本研究中使用的测量方法已在以前的研究中使用,并已证明可接受的信度和效度。使用PLS-SEM对潜在构建体进行分析。该模型按照假设中的规定进行评估,并使用 PLS 算法进行估计以获得路径系数估计值。


研究结果表明,组织可以通过减轻施加在跨界员工身上的压力源,在内部从强大的 MO 中受益。那些认为雇主有强烈 MO 的人经历了更明确的角色定义,从而减少了角色的模糊性。这些提高了工作满意度,从而降低了离职意愿。此外,毅力似乎只能缓和角色冲突和工作满意度之间的联系,这表明毅力可以作为销售人员可以利用的额外资源,以应对角色压力源的需求,从而降低他们离职的可能性。







这项研究扩展了现有的研究,通过检查公司的市场导向 (MO) 和特定特征的选择性招聘(毅力水平)对销售人员辞职意图的影响,使用工作需求 - 资源作为框架结合这两个文献流 - 市场导向和销售员的勇气——是新颖的,会激发新的思维和培养新的洞察力。这项研究作为未来研究的起点,以检查公司可控资源(市场导向)以及在资源稀缺时可以充当缓冲(坚毅)的员工特征。
