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Quantifying the long-term slip rate of Liupan Shan thrust fault through the low-temperature thermochronology
Geological Journal ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-13 , DOI: 10.1002/gj.4587
Fangbin Liu 1, 2 , Shun Cai 3

Liupan Shan thrust fault (LPSF), one of the outmost boundaries of the NE Tibetan Plateau, is crucial for understanding the dynamics of the outward and upward growth of the plateau. However, little is known about the long-term (~10-Myr timescale) fault-slip history along the LPSF. Here we estimate the kinematic process of the LPSF using the 2-D thermal history and 3-D thermo-kinematic modellings which are constrained by previously published apatite fission-track thermochronological data. Inverse modellings confirm previous findings that the Cenozoic uplift in Liupan Shan initiated in the Late Miocene, which was controlled by thrusting of the LPSF. In addition, we also constrain the geometry of the thrust as being steep (54°) at the surface, consistent with field observations and seismic reflection data. Thrusting motion on the fault shows an average long-term slip rate of ~0.54 km/Myr, yielding a total of ~4.7 km exhumation and ~3.4 km crustal shortening. Together with previous results show that the Late Miocene deformation is not only by local but also regional events driven by the India-Asia collision.



六盘山逆冲断层 (LPSF) 是青藏高原东北部最外边界之一,对于了解高原向外和向上生长的动态至关重要。然而,人们对沿 LPSF 的长期(~10 Myr 时间尺度)断层滑动历史知之甚少。在这里,我们使用 2-D 热历史和 3-D 热运动学模型估计 LPSF 的运动学过程,这些模型受到先前公布的磷灰石裂变径迹热年代学数据的限制。反演模拟证实了先前的研究结果,即六盘山新生代隆升开始于晚中新世,受 LPSF 的逆冲控制。此外,我们还将推力的几何形状限制为地表陡峭 (54°),这与野外观测和地震反射数据一致。断层上的逆冲运动显示平均长期滑动率为~0.54 km/Myr,总共产生~4.7 km 的折返和~3.4 km 的地壳缩短。结合前人的研究结果表明,晚中新世变形不仅是由印度-亚洲碰撞驱动的局部事件,而且是由区域事件驱动的。