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Magmatic signature of the closure of the northern branch of Neo-Tethys: Upper Paleocene-Middle Eocene magmatism at the boundary of Tavşanlı-Sakarya Zone (Turkey)
Geological Quarterly ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-14 , DOI: 10.7306/gq.1645
Bahattin Güllü , Yusuf Kağan Kadiıoğlu

Numerous plutons composed of granite, granodiorite, diorite-porphyry, monzonite, granodiorite-porphyry and diorite/microdiorite-porphyry occur at the boundary of the TavêanlÏ-Sakarya Zone, in the eastern part of the northwestern Anatolian magmatic belt, Turkey. These rocks belong to two different types: a medium-K calc-alkaline granodiorite series (with associated dykes and sub-volcanic rocks) and a shoshonitic series of granites. The rocks of the shoshonitic series have SiO2 from 67.5 to 75.6 wt.% with Mg# from 35.1 to 59.5, whereas the medium-K calc-alkaline series rocks have SiO2 between 54.6 and 67.7 wt.% with Mg# from 43.5 to 60.8. There is a clear enrichment of LILE with respect to the HFSE in all magmatic units of the region. These magmatic rocks reflect properties of collision-related arc magmatism in the various geochemical discrimination diagrams. The initial 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd istopic ratios of the magmatic units range from 0.705506 to 0.710902 and 0.512178 to 0.512594, respectively. Collision-related granitoids yielded a 40Ar/39Ar cooling age age of 59.13 ±1.87 Ma, and arc-related granitoids and associated sub-volcanic units 44.3 ±0.47 and 44.11 ±0.89 Ma. The data obtained revealed that continent-continent collision in the Paleocene together with the initiation of the closure of the Neo-Tethys took place between the Anatolide-Tauride Platform and Sakarya Plate from the end of the Cretaceous. The shoshonotic granite may cooled in the Middle Paleocene, as regards the subduction-accretion zone in which subduction impacts have been observed. The medium-K calc-alkaline magmatic products in the region were formed by partial melting of the continental lithospheric mantle caused by the upwelling of asthenospheric mantle after the subducted slab was delaminated


新特提斯北支关闭的岩浆特征:Tavşanlı-Sakarya 带边界的上古新世-中始新世岩浆活动(土耳其)

土耳其西北部安纳托利亚岩浆带东部的TavêanlÏ-Sakarya带的边界有大量由花岗岩、花岗闪长岩、闪长斑岩、二长石、花岗闪长斑岩和闪长岩/微闪长斑岩组成的岩体。这些岩石属于两种不同的类型:中钾钙碱性花岗闪长岩系列(伴生岩脉和次火山岩)和钾玄质花岗岩系列。玄武岩系列的岩石具有SiO 2 Mg# 从 67.5 到 75.6 wt.%,Mg# 从 35.1 到 59.5,而中钾钙碱性系列岩石的 SiO2 在 54.6 到 67.7 wt.% 之间,Mg# 从 43.5 到 60.8。在该地区的所有岩浆单元中,LILE 相对于 HFSE 明显富集。这些岩浆岩在各种地球化学判别图中反映了与碰撞相关的弧岩浆作用的性质。岩浆单元的初始87 Sr/ 86 Sr 和143 Nd/ 144 Nd同位素比值分别在 0.705506 到 0.710902 和 0.512178 到 0.512594 之间。与碰撞相关的花岗岩产生40 Ar/ 39 Ar冷却年龄为 59.13 ±1.87 Ma,与弧有关的花岗岩和相关的次火山单元分别为 44.3 ±0.47 和 44.11 ±0.89 Ma。获得的数据表明,古新世的大陆-大陆碰撞与新特提斯大陆的闭合开始于白垩纪末期的Anatolide-Tauride平台和萨卡里亚板块之间。就已经观察到俯冲影响的俯冲-增生带而言,浅层花岗岩可能在中古新世冷却。该区中钾钙碱性岩浆产物是俯冲板片剥离后软流圈地幔上涌引起的大陆岩石圈地幔部分熔融形成的
