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The unemployment business: profit, precarity, and the moral economy of social democracy in Norway
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute ( IF 1.673 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-11 , DOI: 10.1111/1467-9655.13820
Kelly McKowen 1

Norway's welfare system is widely admired for its success in mitigating the worst effects of post-industrial capitalism. In the past decade, however, that system has undergone remarkable – and controversial – change, as commercial firms have been permitted to play a growing role in administering services for the unemployed. This article, based on fieldwork in Oslo during the 2015-16 oil crisis, examines Norway's ‘unemployment business’ and the high-stakes symbolic struggle between its advocates and opponents. It shows that making unemployment services a business not only destabilizes the unique moral economy of social democracy, predicated on the conceptual entwinement of the state and society, but also requires the maintenance of a new class of precarious workers who administer the welfare system without having its guarantees. Beyond its Norwegian concerns, this article also refines our understanding of moral economy and privatization through highlighting the strategies actors deploy to endow new economic activities with moral legitimacy.



挪威的福利制度因其在减轻后工业资本主义最坏影响方面的成功而广受赞誉。然而,在过去十年中,随着商业公司被允许在管理失业者服务方面发挥越来越大的作用,该系统发生了显着且有争议的变化。本文基于 2015-16 年石油危机期间在奥斯陆的实地考察,审视了挪威的“失业问题”及其支持者和反对者之间的高风险象征性斗争。它表明,将失业服务作为一项业务不仅会动摇社会民主主义独特的道德经济,这种道德经济建立在国家和社会的概念纠缠之上,而且还需要维持一个新的不稳定工人阶级,他们管理福利制度而没有自己的福利制度。保证。