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Granite-related high-temperature hydrothermal uranium mineralisation: evidence from the alteration fingerprint associated with an early Yanshanian magmatic event in the Nanling belt, SE China
Mineralium Deposita ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s00126-022-01137-9
Christophe Bonnetti , Thomas Riegler , Xiaodong Liu , Michel Cuney

The Baishuizhai, Shituling and Zhushanxia deposits from the Xiazhuang district represent to date the only known occurrences of early Yanshanian (Middle to Upper Jurassic) granite-related high-temperature hydrothermal uranium deposits (175–145 Ma) in the Nanling Metallogenic Belt, South China. Whole-rock geochemistry of ore samples combined with chemical and mineralogical signatures of the hydrothermal phases associated with the U mineralisation characterised a coeval potassic and propylitic alteration fingerprint: (i) the potassic alteration is defined by Na and Ca depletion of the granitic host rock and precipitation of adularia, dioctahedral Fe-muscovite, biotite and secondary quartz; and (ii) the propylitic alteration is marked by whole-rock enrichment in Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn and Ti mainly associated with the precipitation of (Mn)-epidote, Fe-chlorite, fluorapatite, titanite, calcite, APS and Fe-Cu-Pb-Cd-Bi-Mo-sulfide minerals. The high-temperature conditions of the hydrothermal system was demonstrated by the typologies of alteration such as greisen, chlorite geothermometry giving temperature estimates of the ore fluid ranging from 316 to 455°C, minor W mineralisation and the high Zr contents in titanite. Besides, high Rb, Ba, Be, Y, Nb, W, Ta and Mo contents in ore samples, mineral assemblages and chemical signatures of the hydrothermal phases showed evidence for the alteration of fractionated felsic granitic host rocks and the contribution of enriched magmatic-derived fluids. Therefore, these characteristics define a magmatic-hydrothermal genetic model directly related to the intrusion of early Yanshanian granites in the Nanling belt. In this new metallogenic model, highly fractionated high-K calc-alkaline A2-type granitic plutons have provided magmatic fluids, heat and metal sources to the early Yanshanian high-temperature hydrothermal U system. Uranium (±W-Sn-Nb-Ta-Li)-rich fluids were derived from fractionated peraluminous residual silicate melts. Uranium was enriched in a high-temperature, highly saline, F-rich, acid and reducing fluid, and dominantly carried as fluoride complexes. This mineralising fluid percolated in the Indosinian U-rich host granites within the cupolas of early Yanshanian granites and produced characteristic propylitic and potassic (including greisen) hydrothermal alteration. During the hydrothermal alteration, the pH and T variations of the mineralising fluid and the subsequent precipitation of F- and P-bearing hydrothermal phases induced the destabilisation of U complexes, winch eventually triggered the deposition of the U mineralisation.
