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Multitemporal glacier inventory revealing four decades of glacier changes in the Ladakh region
Earth System Science Data ( IF 11.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-09 , DOI: 10.5194/essd-14-4171-2022
Mohd Soheb , Alagappan Ramanathan , Anshuman Bhardwaj , Millie Coleman , Brice R. Rea , Matteo Spagnolo , Shaktiman Singh , Lydia Sam

Multi-temporal inventories of glacierised regions provide an improved understanding of water resource availability. In this study, we present a Landsat-based multi-temporal inventory of glaciers in four Upper Indus sub-basins and three internal drainage basins in the Ladakh region for the years 1977, 1994, 2009 and 2019. The study records data on 2257 glaciers (of individual size >0.5 km2) covering an area of 7923±106 km2 which is equivalent to ∼30 % of the total glacier population and ∼89 % of the total glacierised area of the region. Glacier area ranged between 0.5±0.02 and 862±16 km2, while glacier length ranged between 0.4±0.02 and 73±0.54 km. Shayok Basin has the largest glacierised area and glacier population, while Tsokar has the least. Results show that the highest concentration of glaciers is found in the higher elevation zones, between 5000 and 6000 m a.s.l., with most of the glaciers facing towards the NW–NE quadrant. The error assessment shows that the uncertainty, based on the buffer-based approach, ranges between 2.6 % and 5.1 % for glacier area, and 1.5 % and 2.6 % for glacier length with a mean uncertainty of 3.2 % and 1.8 %, respectively. This multitemporal inventory is in good agreement with previous studies undertaken in parts of the Ladakh region. The new glacier database for the Ladakh region will be valuable for policy-making bodies, and future glaciological and hydrological studies. The data can be viewed and downloaded from PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.940994 (Soheb et al., 2022).



冰川地区的多时相清单提供了对水资源可用性的更好理解。在这项研究中,我们展示了 1977 年、1994 年、2009 年和 2019 年拉达克地区四个上印度河次流域和三个内部流域中基于 Landsat 的冰川多时相清单。该研究记录了 2257 条冰川的数据(个体大小>0.5  km 2)覆盖面积为 7923±106 km 2相当于  冰川总人口的~30%和 地区冰川总面积的~ 89 %。冰川面积介于0.5±0.02862±16  km 2之间,而冰川长度介于0.4±0.0273±0.54之间 公里。沙约克盆地的冰川面积和冰川人口最多,而措卡尔盆地最少。结果表明,在海拔 5000 到 6000 m 之间的高海拔地区发现了最高的冰川浓度,大部分冰川面向 NW-NE 象限。误差评估表明,基于基于缓冲区的方法,冰川面积的不确定性介于 2.6% 和 5.1% 之间,冰川长度的不确定性介于 1.5% 和 2.6% 之间,平均不确定性分别为 3.2% 和 1.8%。这种多时相清单与之前在拉达克地区部分地区进行的研究非常一致。拉达克地区的新冰川数据库将对决策机构以及未来的冰川学和水文研究具有重要价值。可以从 PANGAEA,https://doi.org/10 查看和下载数据。