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Emerging hybrid networks of verification, accountability, and institutional resilience: the U.S. Capitol Riot and the work of open-source investigation
Journal of Communication ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-10 , DOI: 10.1093/joc/jqac030
Stephen D Reese 1 , Bin Chen 1

The violent spectacle of the January 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol riot provides a case study of how online open-source investigation helped identify members of the mob and provide deeper understanding of the day’s events. Considering this form of investigation as an emerging network for the hybrid institution of journalism, an assemblage extending beyond the newsroom, this study takes a mixed-method, networked ethnography approach to map out this open-source space. Using a network analysis of open-source investigators based on Twitter data shows that the recently emerged Bellingcat organization and similar open-source groups serve a liaison function, bridging professional journalists and largely anonymous citizen “sleuthers.” Using this network as a guide, depth interviews were conducted with key participants, showing that the community was organized around an accountability ethos and a methodology of verification. We argue that this interlocking network has potential to strengthen the resilience of the journalistic institution, build citizen trust and resist politicized historical revisionism.



2021 年 1 月 6 日美国国会大厦暴动的暴力场面提供了一个案例研究,说明在线开源调查如何帮助识别暴民成员并加深对当天事件的了解。考虑到这种形式的调查作为混合新闻机构的新兴网络,一个延伸到新闻编辑室之外的组合,本研究采用混合方法、网络民族志方法来绘制这个开源空间。使用基于 Twitter 数据的开源调查员的网络分析表明,最近出现的 Bellingcat 组织和类似的开源组织发挥联络功能,将专业记者和很大程度上匿名的公民“侦探”联系起来。以这个网络为指导,对主要参与者进行了深度访谈,表明社区是围绕问责精神和验证方法组织的。我们认为,这种环环相扣的网络有可能增强新闻机构的弹性,建立公民信任并抵制政治化的历史修正主义。