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Cold water therapies: minimising risks
British Journal of Sports Medicine ( IF 11.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-12-01 , DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2022-105953
Mike Tipton 1 , Heather Massey 2 , Adrian Mayhew 3 , Paddy Morgan 3

Cold water immersion (CWI) is a ‘hot topic’ at the moment. In many countries, there has been an explosion in the number of individuals undertaking CWI for anecdotally claimed mental and physical health-related benefits.1 These immersions range from static immersions in home-based ice baths and cold showers, to open water swims and dips. Associated with this, in 2021 Her Majesty’s Coastguard in the UK reported a 52% increase in call-outs associated with swimming and dipping and, between 2018 and 2021, there was a 79% increase in open-water swimming deaths (34–61 deaths) in the UK.2 For tropical animals such as humans, immersion in cold water is stressful and carries a significant risk of respiratory, cardiovascular and, possibly, peripheral neurovascular injury. The most dangerous response associated with CWI is ‘cold shock’.3 4 It is initiated by a rapid fall in skin temperature and includes gasping, hyperventilation, release of stress hormones, hypertension and arrhythmias. The loss of control of breathing can be a precursor to drowning, and the increased work required of the heart and circulation can result in cardiovascular pathologies. Cardiac arrhythmias are particularly common if cold immersion includes the face, breath holding and coactivation of the cold shock (sympathetic autonomic nervous system response) and diving response (parasympathetic autonomic nervous system response)—a combination of conflicting inputs to the heart termed ‘autonomic conflict’.4 We encourage people to enjoy the water, but in a responsible way that maximises the potential benefits and minimises the risks. With this in mind, we offer some guidance for those participating in CWI, those assessing …



冷水浸泡 (CWI) 是目前的“热门话题”。在许多国家/地区,接受 CWI 的人数激增,据称可以带来与身心健康相关的好处。 1 这些浸泡的范围从静态浸泡在家庭冰浴和冷水淋浴到开放水域游泳和浸入. 与此相关,2021 年,英国女王陛下的海岸警卫队报告称,与游泳和游泳相关的出警人数增加了 52%,而在 2018 年至 2021 年间,公开水域游泳死亡人数增加了 79%(34-61 人死亡) ) 在英国。2 对于热带动物(例如人类)来说,浸入冷水中会产生压力,并且会带来呼吸、心血管和周围神经血管损伤的重大风险。与 CWI 相关的最危险的反应是“冷休克”。3 4 它由皮肤温度的快速下降引发,包括喘息、换气过度、压力荷尔蒙的释放、高血压和心律失常。呼吸失控可能是溺水的先兆,心脏和循环所需的工作量增加可能导致心血管疾病。如果冷浸包括面部、屏气和冷休克(交感神经自主神经系统反应)和潜水反应(副交感神经自主神经系统反应)的共同激活,心律失常尤其常见——心脏输入的相互矛盾的组合称为“自主神经冲突” '.4 我们鼓励人们享受水的乐趣,但要以一种负责任的方式来最大化潜在利益并最小化风险。考虑到这一点,我们为参与 CWI 的人提供了一些指导,