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Demonstrating Equity Through the Convening of Expert Panels
Big Data ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-06 , DOI: 10.1089/big.2022.0206
Tina J Kauh 1 , Maryam Khojasteh 1

Population-specific data gaps for a range of demographic characteristics, including race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, and disability status, inhibit efforts to protect and improve public health. To identify system and policy levers for addressing these data inequities, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) convened five expert panels to inform deliberations of the National Commission to Transform Public Health Data Systems (as well as other articles in this supplement). This article reflects the experiences and observations of the authors, RWJF program officers who worked with the expert panels. It provides a brief overview of the process for selecting and convening the expert panels, how this process demonstrated principles of equity, and key themes that emerged across the panels. The processes RWJF used to develop and support the expert panels reflect the Foundation's effort to challenge orthodoxies in research and philanthropy that perpetuate and exacerbate disparities in health and well-being.



一系列人口特征(包括种族、民族、性别、性取向、性别认同和残疾状况)的特定人群数据差距阻碍了保护和改善公共卫生的努力。为了确定解决这些数据不平等问题的系统和政策杠杆,罗伯特·伍德·约翰逊基金会 (RWJF) 召集了五个专家小组,为国家公共卫生数据系统转型委员会的审议(以及本增刊中的其他文章)提供信息。本文反映了作者、与专家小组合作的 RWJF 项目官员的经验和观察。它简要概述了专家小组的选择和召集过程、该过程如何体现公平原则以及专家小组中出现的关键主题。RWJF 用于建立和支持专家小组的流程反映了基金会努力挑战研究和慈善事业中长期存在并加剧健康和福祉差距的正统观念。