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Social work students and dyslexia: outcomes from an empirical study and some implications for practice
Social Work Education Pub Date : 2022-09-07 , DOI: 10.1080/02615479.2022.2120192
Valerie Gant 1 , Michael Hewson 1


Dyslexia is likely one of the most misunderstood conditions impacting on educational outcomes at all levels, in and across all practice and intellectual domains. This paper discusses a project carried out by two qualified social workers, one an academic involved in teaching and assessing social work students, the other a doctoral student with a formal diagnosis of dyslexia and dyspraxia. The research involved nine social work students from three different universities who identified as having dyslexia. Semi-structured interviews were held in order to identify challenges experienced by participants as well as any strategies they used to ameliorate them. The data from the interviews were coded and analyzed, and the findings indicated a range and variety of experiences. Participants described feeling anxious and questioned their ability to study social work, both at university and on placement. Feelings of exhaustion were noted, which indicated the need to examine and potentially to rebalance educators’ expectations across academic and practical roles, and to provide support for students to meet workload requirements particularly when on placement. Findings from the interviews were shared with academic staff and practice educators. Additionally, a ”good practice” guide was produced to support educators in placement as well as in universities




阅读障碍可能是最容易被误解的情况之一,它会影响所有级别的教育成果,包括所有实践和知识领域。本文讨论了由两名合格的社会工作者开展的一个项目,一名是参与教学和评估社会工作学生的学者,另一名是正式诊断为阅读障碍和运动障碍的博士生。该研究涉及来自三所不同大学的九名社会工作学生,他们被确定患有阅读障碍。进行半结构化访谈是为了确定参与者所经历的挑战以及他们用来改善这些挑战的任何策略。采访的数据被编码和分析,结果表明了各种各样的经历。参与者描述了感到焦虑并质疑他们在大学和实习期间学习社会工作的能力。注意到疲惫的感觉,这表明需要检查并可能重新平衡教育工作者对学术和实践角色的期望,并为学生提供支持以满足工作量要求,特别是在安置时。与学术人员和实践教育者分享了访谈的结果。此外,还制作了“良好实践”指南,以支持教育工作者在安置和大学中 并为学生提供支持以满足工作量要求,特别是在安置时。与学术人员和实践教育者分享了访谈的结果。此外,还制作了“良好实践”指南,以支持教育工作者在安置和大学中 并为学生提供支持以满足工作量要求,特别是在安置时。与学术人员和实践教育者分享了访谈的结果。此外,还制作了“良好实践”指南,以支持教育工作者在安置和大学中
