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Atypical Fracture of Radial Diaphysis After Sauvé-Kapandji Procedure: A Retrospective Radiographic Evaluation of Fracture Progression
Orthopedics ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-07 , DOI: 10.3928/01477447-20220831-06
Takeyuki Nakajima , Katsunori Ohno , Atsushi Yokota , Emi Yasuda , Masashi Neo

The Sauvé-Kapandji procedure (SK), which combines distal radioulnar joint arthrodesis with creation of an ulnar pseudarthrosis, achieves good outcomes with few complications for patients with distal radioulnar joint instability or arthritis. The authors describe a case of atypical fracture of the radial diaphysis that occurred in a 79-year-old woman with rheumatoid arthritis who had undergone SK 18 years earlier. The patient had taken alendronate for osteoporosis for 13 years but had discontinued treatment 2 years before onset of symptoms. Retrospective review of serial radiographs revealed focal cortical thickening at the fracture site beginning 18 months before the onset of prodromal pain and becoming more evident over time. The patient underwent surgical repair of the fracture, which had occurred at the attachment of the pronator teres. Histopathological examination of bone excised from the fracture site and from the iliac graft used for fracture repair revealed markedly fewer trabecular osteoblasts than normal and no osteoclasts, indicating severe suppression of bone turnover. It is important to evaluate the radial diaphysis on radiographs taken after SK for early signs of atypical fracture, especially in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and a history of bisphosphonate use. Given the patient's history of bisphosphonate use and the similar radiographic appearance to atypical femoral fractures, the authors applied the term atypical radial fracture to this case. [Orthopedics. 20XX;XX(X):xx–xx.]


Sauvé-Kapandji 手术后桡骨骨干非典型骨折:骨折进展的回顾性放射学评估

Sauvé-Kapandji 手术 (SK) 将远端桡尺关节融合术与尺骨假关节结合起来,对于远端桡尺关节不稳定或关节炎的患者来说,效果良好,并发症很少。作者描述了一名 79 岁患有类风湿性关节炎的女性发生的桡骨非典型骨折病例,她在 18 年前接受了 SK。该患者因骨质疏松症服用阿仑膦酸钠 13 年,但在症状出现前 2 年停止治疗。对系列 X 线照片的回顾性检查显示,前驱疼痛发作前 18 个月开始,骨折部位出现局灶性皮质增厚,并随着时间的推移变得更加明显。该患者接受了旋前圆肌附着处骨折的手术修复。对从骨折部位和用于骨折修复的髂骨移植物中切除的骨进行组织病理学检查显示,小梁成骨细胞明显少于正常情况,并且没有破骨细胞,表明骨转换受到严重抑制。在 SK 后拍摄的 X 光片上评估桡骨骨干是否有非典型骨折的早期迹象非常重要,特别是对于类风湿性关节炎和有双膦酸盐使用史的患者。考虑到患者的双磷酸盐使用史以及与非典型股骨骨折相似的放射学表现,作者将非典型桡骨骨折一词应用于该病例。[骨科。20XX;XX(X):xx–xx。]
