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Notes on a 20-Year Partnership: Challenging Architecture and Each Other
Architectural Design ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-06 , DOI: 10.1002/ad.2850
John Lyall

Alsop's first business partner of two decades, John Lyall describes their formative years as students at the Architectural Association in London, the influence of various members of Archigram, and sharing a house in Southeast London's not-so-salubrious Ladywell district. He recounts a world of music gigs, designing events and parties, and the offices they worked for as young architects before forming their fledgling practice in the 1970s.


关于 20 年合作伙伴关系的笔记:挑战建筑和彼此

Alsop 二十年来的第一个商业伙伴,John Lyall描述了他们作为伦敦建筑协会学生的成长岁月,Archigram 各成员的影响,以及在伦敦东南部不太健康的 Ladywell 区合住一所房子。他讲述了一个充满音乐演出、设计活动和派对的世界,以及他们作为年轻建筑师在 1970 年代形成羽翼未丰的实践之前工作的办公室。