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Being Under Pressure to Sext: Adolescents' Experiences, Reactions, and Counter-Strategies
Journal of Research on Adolescence ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-04 , DOI: 10.1111/jora.12797
Carolina Lunde 1 , Malin Joleby 2

This study explored adolescents' experiences of being under pressure to sext (sending nude images), offering insights into what situations adolescents view as pressuring, how adolescents react to the pressure, and what counter-strategies they use. Written statements from 225 adolescents (age 13–16 years, M = 14.4 years, SD = 0.93) were analyzed using thematic analysis. Results indicated a range of situations including both explicit and implicit pressure. The pressure elicited different emotional responses, including severe physical and psychological reactions, becoming distressed, and being seemingly unconcerned. A majority of the adolescents reported successful strategies on how to ward off the unwanted sexual requests. This study provides insight into how young people cope with potentially harmful situations online.



这项研究探讨了青少年在压力下发送色情短信(发送裸照)的经历,深入了解青少年认为有压力的情况、青少年对压力的反应以及他们使用的应对策略。来自 225 名青少年(13-16 岁,M  = 14.4 岁,SD = 0.93) 使用专题分析进行分析。结果显示了一系列情况,包括显性压力和隐性压力。压力引发了不同的情绪反应,包括严重的生理和心理反应、变得苦恼和看似漠不关心。大多数青少年报告了成功的策略来避免不受欢迎的性要求。这项研究提供了有关年轻人如何应对在线潜在有害情况的见解。